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Python frameworks

30 of the best Python frameworks

Python is known among most programming languages ​​as a simple and powerful language. In fact, Python’s Versatility and Object-Orientation features make it easy to work with. Python frameworks are vast and have their own advantages.

High-level structure, dynamic semantics and very simple syntax Python allows programmers to analyze data, script and develop the web. Thanks to the simplicity of this language, the possibility of reusing code and modular programming (Modular) is also available to developers. So this will drastically reduce the cost of maintaining the software produced.

Of course, one of Python’s weaknesses is its lack of built-in libraries. In fact, developers rely heavily on language frameworks (packages and modules) to speed up the process. The good news is that Python supports many frameworks.

Here are 30 of the best Python frameworks and the benefits of each in a nutshell. Of course, before that, it is not bad to look at different types of Python frameworks.

Types of Python frameworks

1- Full-Stack frameworks

This type of framework, like a large store, provides developers with many features, such as a Form Generator, Form Validation, and the use of a variety of ready-made templates.

2- Micro framework

Microframes are compact and do not provide you with specific features, for example they lack form validation, abstract database layers, tools, and special libraries.

3- Asynchronous frameworks

Async Frameworks are a new generation of frameworks that are similar to micro-frameworks but also provide developers with simultaneous connectivity. These types of frameworks are powered by the Python asyncio library.

30 of the best Python frameworks

Here are 30 of the best Python frameworks:

1- Django

Django Framework is a Full-Stack framework that is available to developers for free and open source. Working on any complex code or application is possible through this high-speed framework. This framework has been used on popular websites such as Washington News, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Advantages :
  • Use Pragmatic Design to simplify the web page development process
  • It has prominent libraries and features such as an authentication mechanism, content management, template engine, URL routing, and database schema migration
  • Supports PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, and SQLite databases
  • Ability to reuse components and code less
  • High security and the ability to delete errors such as clickjacking, forgery, and SQL injection
  • adaptation
  • Scalability

2- CherryPy

This open source micro-framework with object-oriented features is available to developers, and also has its own WSGI multidisciplinary web server.

Advantages :
  • Programs developed with CherryPy run on Windows, Linux, Unix, and Mac operating systems without the need for an Apache server.
  • Due to the modular and setup features, data access and formatting are easy. In addition to handling sessions, files, cookies and uploads are also easy.
  • Internal support for documenting tasks such as profiling, coverage, and testing
  • Run multiple HTTP servers simultaneously
  • Equipped with default tools for caching, encryption, and authorization
  • Powerful configuration
  • It has flexible plugins
  • Minimalism user interface
  • Compatible with Android

3- Bottle

This microframework, like CherryPy, is minimalist. Due to the small size of this framework, any web application can be run in a source file without the need for dependencies (except for dependencies within the standard Python library).

  • Support for third-party template engines
  • Support for WSGI / HTTP servers
  • Ability to access Form Data, HTTP metadata, cookies, and upload files
  • Low volume
  • Support for database plugins
  • Request-dispatching root feature and URL-parameter support

4- CubicWeb

This Full-Stack and open source framework has components called Cube that are designed for web application development. In fact, different cubes are brought together and used to build Instance with the help of a database, a web server and several config files.

  • Reusable components
  • Supports OWL and RDF languages
  • RQL query language support
  • Support for multiple databases
  • high security

5- Dash

Dash Micro Framework is another Python framework designed exclusively for the development of analytics applications. This tool is based on the Flask, Plotly.js and React.js frameworks so that you no longer need web development technical knowledge to work with it.

  • Simple user interface (UI)
  • No need for Boilerplate codes
  • Features Error Loading Layout
  • Support for LDP integration protocol
  • Customization capability
  • Plugin support
  • URL Routing feature
  • Ability to generate HTML content

6- Flask

The Flask microframework internally has a developer and debugger server. Although this framework does not have any internal tools for communicating with the database, it connects to SQL through the SQLAlchemy package using only the database URL.

  • Based on the Unicode standard
  • It has a Jinja 2 molding engine
  • Compatible with WSGI 1.0
  • Support for ORM plugins
  • Unit Test Support
  • Support for user-side cookies (Client-Server)
  • Handle HTTP Request

7- Hug

You can use the application programming interface or APIs that are developed with the Hug Microframework anywhere.

  • Write-once, Use-Anywhere feature
  • Equipped with built-in Version Management
  • Automatic Documentation Support
  • Equipped with Annotation Driven validation

8- Giotto

This Full-Stack framework is based on the MVC architecture. So developers can work on it independently.

  • Support for summary codes
  • Has a model and a general view
  • It has several controllers that support the Pluggable feature.
  • Automatic URL routing
  • Has SQLAlchemy package
  • Equipped with CRUD data management templates
  • Memcache and Redis data warehouse support
  • HTML support with Jinja 2
  • RESTful user interface

9- Pyramid

This Full-Stack framework provides many features to developers at the same time. For example, companies like Mozilla, DropBox and Yelp have used this framework.

  • It Has Predicates and Renderers.
  • It has features related to templating and assets.
  • Single file applications
  • Equipped with Traversal framework for URL Mapping to Code Mapping
  • Authentication and Authorization flexibility
  • Low volume
  • Has Decorators functions

10- Sanic

This Async framework is used as open source for Python 3.6 and above. This framework is specifically designed to respond quickly to HTTP requests.

  • Ability to read and write cookies
  • Different types of logging
  • Class-Based view
  • Supports Decorators functions
  • Plugin support
  • Has blueprints for in-app Sub Routing
  • Contains configured objects

11- Tornado

The Tornado Asynchronous Framework is an open source framework with an Async network library. This framework is designed for processing asynchronous processes.

  • Has a non-blocking HTTP client class
  • Equipped with Real-Time services
  • High-quality performance
  • Has a high-quality output
  • Equipped with web templates
  • Support for user authentication
  • Supports third-party authentication
  • Interpretation and localization support

12- Turbo Gears

This Full-Stack framework is designed to be data-driven and uses the best elements available in its construction.

  • MVC architecture
  • Equipped with PasteScript templates
  • Support for multiple databases
  • Equipped with Decorator functions
  • Support for Pylon framework
  • Support for cross-platform platforms

13- Web2Py

This Full-Stack framework also comes with a proprietary IDE for Python developers. This feature includes a One-Click Deployment tool, Code Editor and Debugger.

  • Backward compatibility
  • MVC architecture
  • Support for Internalization feature
  • Very easy to install without the need for configuration
  • Role-based access control
  • Has multiple readable protocols
  • Internal support for cookies, Session, and HTTP requests
  • Cross-Platform capability
  • Modifiable performance
  • Good security against common hazards
  • Integrated connection to the database
  • Ability to use the application in different environments (Portability)

14- Grok

This Full-Stack framework is designed as an open source software for high-speed software development. The basis of this framework is based on Toolkit Zope servers.

  • Advanced web application development
  • Ability to develop custom applications
  • Equipped with advanced technology (Martian’s grow core.component)
  • Ability to access a wide area network and independent libraries
  • MVC architecture

15- Growler

Growler asynchronous framework based on Node.js. This framework is written at the top of the asyncio library.

  • Absence of Callback functions and Proper Try / Except blocks
  • Ability to monitor application performance
  • Support for open-source packages
  • Has Decorator functions
  • Ability to reuse codes
  • Ability to collect applications in a zip file

16- BlueBream

This micro-framework was designed under the license of Zope Public, formerly known as Zope3.

  • Very high usage
  • Scalability
  • Reusable and replaceable components
  • Buildout system support Support
  • for Zope Toolkit capabilities

17- Falcon

The Falcon micro-frame is a great option for API development. This framework does not require loading dependencies to develop the HTTP API.

  • Dieter Ram web application design
  • Has an extensive and optimized code base
  • Processing requests through middleware components
  • Access Header and Body via Request and Response classes
  • Cython library support for speed-up
  • Upfront error handling capability
  • Ability to manage HTTP errors virtually (Idiomatic)
  • Has REST-Style resource classes
  • Equipped with URI templates for visual routing
  • WSGI support for Unit Testing
  • Full Unicode support
  • Compatibility with Async libraries such as Gevent
  • PyPy package management support


This asynchronous framework relies on the features of Python version 3.5 and above and uses the asyncio library.

  • Equipped with effective structure Views
  • Support for firmware and signal
  • Pluggable routing
  • Support for client and server WebSocket without callback

19- MorePath

morepath is another Python micro-framework known as the most powerful Model-Driven framework in the Python programming language.

  • Ability to reuse the public view (Generic Views)
  • RESTful user interface support
  • Ability to develop the general user interface (Generic UI)
  • Support for simple, cohesive, and universal plugins
  • Override mechanism support
  • Has flexible licenses

20- Pycnic

This micro-framework is completely object-oriented and is the best choice for developers who want to develop APIs based on the JSON language.

  • Ability to manage in-app errors
  • Ability to support JSON-based API development
  • Routing management
  • Cookie support

21- Pylons

This Full-Stack framework is based on the flagship features of programming languages ​​such as Python, Perl, and Ruby.

  • Generate and validate HTPM forms
  • URL Dispatch feature
  • URL mapping based on Routes configuration
  • Equipped with WebHelper for URL mapping
  • Has text-based templates
  • Cross-platform capability and BSD license (Barkley software distribution)
  • Has a structure with the ability to support third-party tools
  • WSGI support

22- Quixote

This micro-framework is known for its flexibility and powerful performance and provides developers with classic programming techniques.

  • open source
  • Compatible with a variety of programming styles
  • Equipped with Werkzeug WSGI library
  • With the Jinja 2 template

23- Zope

This Full-Stack framework uses the Object Publishing method to build a website and is fully object-oriented for Python programmers.

  • Customization capability
  • Support for Python 2 and 3
  • Equipped with Chameleon axis molds
  • Very high performance with minimal memory usage

24- Nevow

This asynchronous frame rock is designed to work on Logic instead of focusing on Elements. In addition, it allows developers to use Python Syntax called Stan.

  • Ability to maintain XHTML templates
  • Ability to separate data based on Presentation Writing
  • Equipped with JavaScript browser library (Athena)
  • Ability to provide asynchronous two-way communication between Python and JavaScript
  • Remote call (RPC) capability

25- Bobo

This micro-framework, with its high flexibility, makes it easy for Python programmers to work.

  • Low volume
  • Non-compliance with specific rules
  • No template engine and equipped with WSGI and WebOP library
  • Partial configuration

26- Muffin

Muffin is a new asynchronous framework for the Python language. The framework was made available to developers in 2015. This framework is actually designed to integrate tools such as admin interfaces, plugins system and REST API.

  • Has inherent features of the Flask framework about root URL
  • Equipped with PeeWee type ORM instead of SQLAlchemy
  • Simple and fast
  • Python support

27- Py

Do not confuse this microframe with Web2PY. This framework is very powerful at the same time and is, therefore, the best option for web application development. Of course, keep in mind that its various components operate discreetly.

  • Fast, simple, and independent
  • user friendly
  • Support for POST and GET data transmission methods
  • REST API support

28- Ray

This microframe, like Falcon, is very useful for building RESTful APIs. Ray is one of the fastest Python frameworks.

  • Easy to install
  • QueryString support for data transfer between pages (GET)
  • Equipped with HTTP security shields
  • Equipped with Back-End Server Features

29- WebCore

This microframework is so small that it can be considered a nano framework for the Python language.


Easy to install

user friendly

High compatibility

Dependent on WebOb packages

MVC architecture

30- Vibora

This asynchronous framework is known as one of the most modern Python language frameworks.

  • Customer-friendly
  • Domain-centric routes
  • Has Caching and Streaming tools
  • Equipped with Async mold-making engine
  • Customization capability
  • Ability to decrypt content