CPU Hız Aşırtma Nedir? Sıfırdan 100’e CPU Hız Aşırtma

CPU Hız Aşırtma Cihazın İşlem Gücünü Artırabilir ve Maliyetleri Düşürebilir Ancak Prensiplerine Uyulmazsa Donanıma Zarar Verir. İşlemciye hız aşırtma sadece oyun gibi sistemini yoğun kullananlar için değil, normal kullanıcılar için de; bazen hız aşırtma, sistem…
What Is CPU Overclocking? Zero To 100 CPU Overclock

What Is CPU Overclocking? Zero To 100 CPU Overclock

CPU Overclocking Can Increase The Processing Power Of The Device And Reduce Costs, But If Its Principles Are Not Followed, It Will Damage The Hardware. Overclocking the processor is not only for those who use…
Top Five Android Apps For Remote Computer Control

Top Five Android Apps For Remote Computer Control

Controlling And Accessing The Computer With Android Smartphones Is An Attractive Feature. In This Article, We Introduce The Top Five Programs In This Field. Remote access to the computer is considered one of the most influential…
What features should a good router have?

What features should a good router have?

Typically, Good Routers Are Equipped With A Wide Range Of Useful Features And Are Suitable For Professional Use.  These routers provide a wide range of functional capabilities and can support many networked clients without problems.…
Teaching How To Increase The Quality Of Images With Different Methods

Teaching How To Increase The Quality Of Images With Different Methods

There Are Different Ways To Increase The Quality Of Images, Some Of Which Are Taught In This Article. Image resolution is one of its most important parts; it controls the Photo’s quality. Most likely, you…
The best air pollution reporting applications

The best air pollution reporting applications

Viewing weather information and pollution reports is essential for many people. This article introduces the best applications for checking the air pollution situation. These days, we are so used to rapid weather changes that it is…

Wireshark nedir? Wireshark’ı Windows’a yükleyin

Wireshark yazılımı, güvenlik ve ağ gibi çeşitli alanlarda kullanılan bir ağ trafiği kontrol yazılımıdır. Wireshark, ağ eğitimi, analiz, iletişim protokolü geliştirme ve ağ sorunlarını giderme gibi çeşitli amaçlar için kullanılır. windows, linux, xos ve unix…
15 Of The Most Special Mobile Accessories That You Probably Don't Know About!

15 Of The Most Special Mobile Accessories That You Probably Don’t Know About!

When Talking About Mobile Phone Accessories, The First Accessories That Come To Mind Are The Frame And Screen Protector. Still, Today We Want To Introduce You To The Most Attractive Smartphone Accessories That You Probably…

VTP veya VLAN Trunk Protokolü nedir?

VTP veya VLAN Trunk Protokolü nedir? VTP protokolü, vlan veritabanını anahtarlar arasında yayınlamaya yarayan bir protokoldür yani tek bir anahtarda tüm vlanları oluşturup silebiliriz veya genel olarak vlan veritabanındaki tüm değişiklikleri tek bir anahtarda yapabiliriz.…

How to Change Computer BIOS clock Settings?

If you’ve ever entered the BIOS menu when your computer boots up, you’ve noticed that one of the settings you can change or adjust is the system time. The local clock keeps this time on…