negative space

How much negative space should we consider for the logo?

How much negative space should we consider for the logo? You probably heard many concepts if you are somewhat familiar with digital marketing and content creation. The most important concepts are SEO, logo design principles,…
logo printing more profitable or logo design

Is logo printing more profitable or logo design?

Is logo printing more profitable or logo design? As you know, in the world of digital marketing, work in the fields of graphics and content production is very well received. Ordering content production, examining the…
Editing selfies

Edit selfies professionally

Editing selfies is very important. Most people take selfies to share their images on virtual networks, and since they like to look absolutely beautiful in this space, it is better to edit selfies. It is…
logo with the lowest cost

How to have a logo with the lowest cost?

How do you have a logo with the lowest cost? As you know, these days and in the world of digital marketing, designing a good and standard logo is very important. For this reason, many…
Using unusual shapes

Using unusual shapes in logo design

Using unusual shapes in logo design can make the work more attractive and attract the audience. In addition to knowing what SEO is and how it affects ranking, you also need to know how a…
design a logo without a computer

Is it possible to design a logo without a computer?

Is it possible to design a logo without a computer? As you know, these days, the popularity of logo design jobs is increasing day by day. Logo design is one of the most money-making jobs…
copy logo

How do I know my logo has not been used before?

Jobs and logo designers, how to recognize a copy logo. As you know, one of the principles and rules of logo design is to respect copyright. Using the logo of another person or group can…
3D catalog

What is a 3D catalog?

How well do you know the 3D catalog? With the advancement of technology in the modern world, the use of advertising tools has also faced significant progress. These days, we are witnessing a significant evolution…