It must have happened to you that when you are updating WordPress or updating site plugins after you have completed the update operation correctly, you have encountered an error when visiting the site, that a…
Online SEO site review is done to check the progress and success of our website. No online business can survive without a website. But having a website alone is not the solution; the SEO of…
Professional SEO training requires background that you should study and learn before starting the training. First of all, you need to know that SEO is divided into three parts: internal SEO, external SEO, and technical…
Technical SEO refers to site and server optimization that helps search engines improve your site’s organic ranking. In their results, search engines give better treatment to websites that show good technical capabilities, for example, a…
After installing and setting up WordPress, you sometimes have to change your hosting for various reasons. After changing hosting, due to the restrictions imposed by web hosting on the host, you see that when you…
It must have happened to you that when creating a new post, when you upload an image or file in the post, you encounter the Missing a temporary folder error in WordPress or when you…
WordPress rtl.css error, not loading, happens to us when we need to use the right-to-left language on our site or the so-called RTL feature, so we use HTML and CSS to be able to use…
The error of not displaying the WordPress counter has probably happened to you, too; when you enter the WordPress counter, the menu of different sections will be displayed to you, but practically in every menu…
WordPress 404 error is a major problem when changing a unique link in WordPress for any site. Imagine that you have installed WordPress, and after some time, you have uploaded your site, you are still…
Online SEO site analysis is one of the most important issues that can effectively improve your site’s SEO process. We can use different sites for website SEO analysis. In the continuation of this article, we…