Artificial Intelligence Is Trained By Exploring Virtual Worlds

Artificial Intelligence Is Trained By Exploring Virtual Worlds

Intelligent Beings Learn The Necessary Skills Through Interaction With The World. Now AI Researchers Are Planning To Teach Virtual Agents New Skills Using A Similar Strategy. In 2009, Fei-Fei Li, a computer scientist at Princeton University,…
What Is A Decision Tree In Machine Learning And What Is Its Application?

What Is A Decision Tree In Machine Learning And What Is Its Application?

A Decision Tree, Or Simply A Decision Tree, Is A Way To Show The Decision-Making Process Through A Tree Structure.  The decision tree is typically used for planning and defining operational business decisions through visual…
What Is Process Mining And What Is Its Role In The Business World?

What Is Process Mining And What Is Its Role In The Business World?

These Days, The Data Analysis And Processing Market, Is Very Hot, And Various Tools And Methods Are Provided For Careful Data Analysis.  While most users are familiar with the concept of data mining and text…
Has Google Managed To Create Self-Aware Artificial Intelligence?

Has Google Managed To Create Self-Aware Artificial Intelligence?

The News That Recently Overshadowed The World Of Information Technology And Was Analyzed In Detail By Almost All Major News Agencies Was The Claim Of Google’s Chief Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Who Announced That The Company…
Google's Lamda Artificial Intelligence Was Made Available To The Public

Google’s Lamda Artificial Intelligence Was Made Available To The Public

The Public Can Now Interact With Google’s Lamda Artificial Intelligence. Of Course, This Tool Is Only Available Through Limited Structured Displays To Prevent It From Becoming A Hub For Inappropriate And Offensive Responses. If you’re still…
The Story Of Designing A Company's Logo With Artificial Intelligence DALL-E 2

The Story Of Designing A Company’s Logo With Artificial Intelligence DALL-E 2

The Developer Of Octosql, Which Is A Tool For Doing Concurrent Tasks On Databases, Has Used DALL-E 2 Artificial Intelligence To Create The Logo Of This Project. Recently, there has been a lot of news…
MRI Technology Can Reveal The Relationship Between Brain Activity And Psychological Characteristics

MRI Technology Can Reveal The Relationship Between Brain Activity And Psychological Characteristics

The Researches That has been Done So Far In The Field Of Brain And Psychology Point To The Point That A Certain Neurological Characteristic May Make A Person More Vulnerable To Autism Or Alzheimer’s, Or…
Why Are Ant And Bee Colony Algorithms Important Algorithms?

Why Are Ant And Bee Colony Algorithms Important Algorithms?

The Purpose of Using Algorithms Is to Find A Solution To The Problems We Face Daily.  On the other hand, algorithms should provide us with an optimized solution so that their application does not cause…
A Brain-Computer Interface Allowed A Patient With Locked-In Syndrome To Communicate With Others

A Brain-Computer Interface Allowed A Patient With Locked-In Syndrome To Communicate With Others

One Of The Biggest Joint Achievements Of The World Of Engineering And Neuroscience Is The Detailed Research In The Field Of Neurology, The Result Of Which Is The Invention Of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Technology.  An…
What Are The Differences Between Supervised, Unsupervised And Reinforced Machine Learning?

What Are The Differences Between Supervised, Unsupervised And Reinforced Machine Learning?

Machine Learning Is A Branch Of Artificial Intelligence And Computer Science That Focuses On Using Data And Algorithms To Mimic The Way Humans Learn And Gradually Improve Its Accuracy.  IBM has a brilliant history in…