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Which one is better to develop a website, ASP.NET or WordPress?

Many people planning to start an online company or develop a personal website ask themselves which is better, WordPress or Net ASP? As you know, the Internet has taken the place of many old companies and its purpose is to earn a lot of money from the Internet; Today, before buying or using a service, the vast majority of people turn to the Internet with any question, it is enough that you only help others; Be a selective option and be present in the Google results list, in this way you will get to know how to make money online.

Suppose you wonder whether WordPress or Net ASP programming language is better for setting up and developing your site. In that case, it must be said that if you are looking for the cheapest and fastest way to improve your site, Word Press is the best choice. That does not require Specializing in coding, and you can easily launch your own website; But in those of a large company, .NET programming is preferable with the possibility of designing a website according to your wishes and preferences, and programmers are able to design and a different types of sites with their freedom of action and expertise; However, each of them has its own advantages and advantages, and their choice should be made according to your purpose and needs.

Furthermore, if you are planning to build a website for your company, you will probably be faced with the choice of using a specialized content management system or .NET programming? First, we are going .o start with creating a website, set up, and simple. The setting website may be done through two methods:

  • Content management systems (CMS) such as Joomla, Drupal, and WordPress may be used to build a website.
  • Another way to create a custom website is to use a programming language such as JavaScript, Python, or .NET programming.



In this article, WordPress and .NET are compared, and their features, advantages, ages, and disadvantages are examined if you are thinking. Iftarting a website for yourself, it is better to know these things.

Microsoft ASP.Net or WordPress

Using a CMS, you can create, modify, edit, and publish various types of digital information, such as text, images, audio, and video files. It is used; You don’t need to be specialized in coding to use content management systems; Joomla, WordPress, and Drupal are some of the most popular and well-known content management systems.



If you are looking for the best and most popular content management system for website builders, WordPress is the best choice, it allows you to create, and ita wide variety of websites without having to write a single line of code; WordPress is a free and open source (open source) program built on the PHP language and MySQL database system, as a result of the free and open source nature of WordPress, it powers 40% of all websites on the Internet.



Advantages of Word Press

WordPress offers many features and advantages that have helped it to be widely used by website owners; We will mention the most useful features of WordPress.

Being flexible

One of the most important and unique features of WordPress is its flexibility as a result of its embrace. With its breadth and flexibility, WordPress now allows its users to customize their websites in any way they see fit, including adding new features; Taddsk is made very easy for consumers thanks to a wide variety of templates and plugins.

Convenience and ease of use

One of the most popular aspects of WordPress is that anyone can learn how to use it in just a few hours of online training. ; You can also benefit from ready-made WordPress templates to personalize or create and design your site. You may pay the developer and programmer a fee to add more features and capabilities to your site.


WordPress also has a distinct advantage because users can use the free version of WordPress. Many free WordPress than emes are available for you to use in creating your site. Still, if you want to build a site with more and better features, you will have to spend some money on templates and plugins, so keep this in mind if you want these features, you won’t need to spend a lot of money and you can still do, it with the cost. Create your favorite website.

Easy installation

Just visit and easily start your system with WordPress with a few clicks; WordPress is a unique platform with easy installation; In addition, you do not pay anything to install WordPress.

Creating flexible and responsive sites with WordPress

Responsive websites are created using WordPress; Sites that are responsresponsive Sitesmodate a wide range of screen sizes from smartphones to laptops and tablets, also known as responsive design.

Regular and continuous updates

Regular updates are one of the most important aspects of WordPress; WordPress is constantly expanding its capabilities to meet the demands of its users. Keeping WordPress up to date will improve your site’s performance, and with each update, WordPress will fix any possible problem very simply; Also, WordPress does not charge for these upgrades and updates.

Optimization for search engines

Every website needs optimization and SEO for its effectiveness and longevity. In fact, SEO is a set of actions that you can take to improve your site’s ranking in Google and, as a result, increase the chances of your business succeeding online.

For example, you may gain a huge advantage over your competitors by being at the top of Google’s results and rankings and attracting more audiences. WordPress sites with plugins like Yoast SEO and RankMath may help you improve your position in the Google results list. It is no difference between them.NETdifferenceing and WordPress, and you should consider SEO before launching any website.

Being open source

An open source software means users are able to modify its code, and adding new features and capabilities to WordPress by accessing the source code is possible since the software is open source; This feature makes WordPress grow and develop more and more.


Building various types of websites

Since its inception, WordPress has evolved from a blogging platform to a content management system that allows users to create a wide variety of websites without the need for programming or coding expertise, including national news sites, online markets, personal blogs and job search; In it, her words, WordPress is a flexible platform that can be used without restrictions to build and design any type of website.

SecurordPress websites

Contrary to what many believe, WordPress is a completely secure platform developer; developers are trying to update and fix bugs, errors, and security flaws.

And in order to fix any detonator security holes, it creates a new version of the program and uploads it to the WordPress site. If you want to secure your WordPress site in a basic and correct way, we suggest you read the training article on increasing site security. Also read about WordPress.,

Disadvantages of WordPress

Considering the advantages it will have, it also has disadvantages, which we will briefly and usefully explain below; WordPress has its disadvantages, some of which are listed here.

Low speed

When it comes to determining the overall quality of a site, site speed is one of the most important aspects of SEO measurement that should be considered when a website takes. When loading, visitors become dissatisfied, and as a result, both audiences and users. You lose yourself. Unfortunately, you may see non-standard coding in some WordPress site themes that are offered for free. The more plugins you have installed, the more server space you use and the slower your s loads. can be

A wrong choice for creating very specialized projects

WordPress templates are already coded and ready, so you are limited in customizing the site according to your taste; If you don’t know how to code, you need a professional programmer to make changes to your WordPress website design or add new features to your site’s services.

No dedicated backup system

Since WordPress lacks specialized customer support, another example of its disadvantages is, As you know, WordPress,s has a lot of support and development forums; unfortunately, this. Unfortunately, reporting, answering your questions and solving problems, so if you have a problem with your website, you should try to solve it yourself. Fix it or get help from support.

ASP Net programming

Microsoft created the ASP Net library for web development and is often written iwhich# (C#) or Java; Programmers can create any shape and type of system they want using .NET programming.

It is possible to build different sites using .NET programming, but you should note that you either have to start from scratch or use content management systems such as .NET New DNN to do this.

Advantages programming

The possibility of upgrading the website

In .NET programming, it is very convenient and easy for a programmer to make changes or add features to the site; Because in the design and construction of the site with .Net, coding is done from the beginning to the end of the project, and the programmer has freedom of action in this field.

according to the user’s request

When developing a site using specialized programming such as ASP Net, it is developed from the beginning to the end of the project based on the needs and choices of the designer; Therefore, by using this strategy, you can have your desired site with all the facilities and capabilities you have in mind.

Having high security

Benefiting from high security is one of the features of custom and exclusive programming websites since a system is set. Sincerogrammed from scratch, the programmer can use canto to fight hackers, so it is possible Hacking of these websites is very, and they are more secure against Hacking.


High speed

Websites that are built using .NET programming languages are the reason that the programming team designs the program from the beginning according to the customer’s needs and avoids writing additional code on the site; In addition, these sites do not need to install advanced plugins, as a result, by providing different features and capabilities, these sites are faster compared to WordPress websites.

Disadvantages of ASP.Net programming

High cost of website design

Dedicated website design requires a team of professional programmers to code from zero to one hundred, which requires a very expensive fee to build this type of website from scratch.
It takes time to create and design a website

As we mentioned above.; the .NET programming language requires the programming team to plan this project from zero to hundred, which takes a lot of time.
Poor optimization for search engines

Another drawback of using .NET programming to build a website is its difficulty in SEO, which is considered a serious drawback for dedicated websites; Of course, as long as you have a strong SEO team or know enough about SEO as a site manager, you can rank any website high in Google results.


In this article, WordPress and .NET programming is completely compareisBut if you are looking for the cheapest and fastest way to upgrade your site, WordPress is the best choice. In the case of a large company, .NET programming is preferable, with the possibility of designing a website according to your wishes and preferences. Still, it is interesting that many important and large websites use WordPress because of its high and cheap services.

Do you think you will choose WordPress or ASP Net programming with this description? Get in touch with us in the comments section and if you have a top, is on your mind, suggest us to address it; Thank you for your cooperation and good choice