Within 40 hours, a new developer should be able to write basic application scripts in Python. This is the time to learn Python: 4 hours of Python and IDE installation 4 hours to create a…
As an individual and a group that has been working in the field of SEO, site design, and similar topics for many years, in this article, we want to remind you, dear compatriot, of some…
How do you know how to drive on the roads of a country? Think about cars that move very unusually, pedestrians who accidentally cross the road, bicycles everywhere, tangled roads, and so on. At the…
What is Grammarly software, and what are its features? One of the concerns when writing a text in English is to follow the rules of grammar and write correct and accurate sentences. The grammar program…
Like other social media platforms, YouTube keeps a history of searching and watching videos while in use. The platform uses this data based on what you are looking for and videos you have already watched…
How to limit Data usage on the Facebook App (Phone and computer) Optimizing the use of the Internet on social media is important for those people who communicate with their friends and family in this…
This practical tutorial will introduce 5 of the best Antivirus websites that scan your computer for free and online. Although most users are connected to the Internet world, they are more at risk of viruses,…
You can use Skype for free and only use your computer to communicate with your friends and acquaintances worldwide by voice. Skype supports many languages and has become even more popular by offering a cheap…
61% of tweets are in English, and the countries with the most Twitter users are the USA, Brazil, Indonesia, UK, Mexico, Malaysia, Netherlands, and Spain. Suppose you are a Twitter user or have just decided…
When we work with the Internet, we all see different and varied advertisements in all fields. These ads often distract and irritate the eyes of users. There are many ways to remove such ads that…