What is the Effect of Video in Seo?

For sites to be displayed on the first pages of Google, they need to use various SEO techniques and tricks. One of the techniques that can increase site traffic to lead the site to high…
external linking

What is external linking?

Suppose your friend comes to your house. When he arrives, he explains, “I could not find your alley. “I asked a shopkeeper, and he could guide me.” If an SEO expert hears this story, his…
Google tools

Introducing Google tools

In this article, we will introduce Google tools. Stay tuned to get acquainted with Google tools. Google has become a staple of searches, with many people using “Google” instead of “search” when speaking. Whether this…
Page Schema

What is Page Schema?

Anyone who wants to increase SEO and site optimization is familiar with page layout. Of course, some people may not know much about Schema and its uses. A Page Schema is a form of bookmarking…
Hummingbird Algorithm

Google Hummingbird Algorithm

Google’s algorithms constantly change or update, and each step pursues one or more goals. Users have always tried to optimize the algorithms to show the best results for a better search. On the other hand,…
Content Conversion

15 Tips for Content Conversion That Every SEO Writer Should Know

Are you looking to write content that meets the needs of your readers and complies with Google’s algorithms? Here are 15 tips for converting content to help you. As an SEO writer, you know SEO’s…
Black Hat SEO

What is Black Hat SEO?

Black hat SEO refers to tricks and methods that deceive Google algorithms and, contrary to the rules of search engines, increase the site’s ranking in various keywords. Google will detect black hat SEO tricks after…

Introducing Important Startup Ideas for Starting an Internet Business

Starting an online business, startups, and earning money online has always been attractive and tempting terms for your audience. There are many methods to create money online. If you identify your capabilities and, of course,…

How does Google understand the Text and Exact meaning of the words?

How does Google understand the Text and Exact meaning of the words? Understanding the ability of Google to understand what people are searching for or writing on the Internet and the effect that this element…

Is it Important to write Content for People or Search engines?

Is it Important to write Content for People or Search engines? In addition to writing good content and targeted research content, relevancy in searches is crucial to increase traffic. Although the content is relevant ……