Javascript programlama dilinin avantajları

Javascript programlama dilinin avantajları         Modern dünyada yaygın olarak kullanılan dinamik programlamanın sağlanması. İstemci tarafı dil olarak kullanıldığında JavaScript, tarayıcı açılır açılmaz çalışmaya başlar. JavaScript sayesinde, programcıların farklı kullanıcı tarafı veya sunucu…

JavaScript dezavantajları

Web sitesi tasarımında JavaScript dezavantajları   JavaScript, web için programlama alanında birçok uygulamaya sahip en yaygın kullanılan programlama dillerinden biridir, JavaScript’in dezavantajları birkaç kişi için açık olabilir. Bu yazıda, bu programlama dili hakkında daha fazla…

JavaScript dili nedir?

JavaScript dili nedir?   Bu dile biraz daha profesyonelce bakmak istersek JavaScript popüler, nesne yönelimli, dinamik ve yorumlanan bir dildir.  sunucu tarafı ve kullanıcı tarafı programlama için kullanılır. Bu kavramlara aşina değilseniz merak etmeyin, kısaca…
Technical SEO

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO refers to site and server optimization that helps search engines improve your organic ranking. In their results, search engines treat websites with good technical capabilities, such as a secure connection. Technical Search Engine…
Tips And Tricks That You Should Pay Attention To When Writing React Codes

Tips And Tricks That You Should Pay Attention To When Writing React Codes

When You First Start Coding As A Programmer, Your Code Will Bear Little Resemblance In Terms Of Grammar And Syntax To The Code You’ll Write A Few Years Later, You Gain Experience, Learn About Design…
largest contentful paint

What is LCP (largest contentful paint)?

Now that Google has updated its user experience metrics, SEO professionals must focus on finding LCP (the largest contentful paint). But what is LCP? Why is it so important? How do I find LCP? How…

How to Enter the World of Web design? What skills are required?

When it comes to organizing your marketing strategy and achieving success, your web design can be key. Without a well-built website, your store, for example, your brick and mortar, can not function very well. A…

Alert warning message for JavaScript

You may have come across such cases that a window opens and displays a special message, such as a welcome message, as soon as you enter or a few seconds after entering a website. Or…

Unit Test In JavaScript !

JavaScript is one of the most important programming languages ​​in the field of the web, which is very popular among developers today. JavaScript unit testing makes your program produce much better quality and greatly reduces…

7 interesting tips You need to know About JavaScript ?

Interesting things about JavaScript that you may not have known! Have you ever thought about the Bermuda Triangle? Or to the Hanging Gardens in Babylon? What about Artemis Shrine? There are many wonders in the…