Fotoğrafınızı veya adınızı Google’a nasıl kaydedersiniz? (6 basit numara)

Birisi Google’da adımızı aradığında, Google sonuçlarının bizimle alakalı olmasını nasıl sağlayacağımızı bilmek, ustalaşması inanılmaz derecede önemli bir beceridir. Ne yazık ki, birçok kişi adını veya fotoğrafını Google’a nasıl kaydedeceğini bilmiyor ve her şeyden önce, bunu…
white hat SEO

What is the purpose of white hat SEO?

What is white hat SEO, and what is its purpose? SEO is one of the important facilities and tools of today’s digital world. But what does SEO mean? We have explained this well in the…
website traffic

Tricks to increase website traffic permanently

Nowadays, everyone wants to increase their website traffic and boost their business. You should know how to increase site visitors to get a good position in Google ranking with the help of SEO experts. For…
local SEO

What is local SEO?

What is local SEO is a question that many business owners are trying to find an answer to. In addition, it is important to know how important this type of SEO is and whether it…

Google nasıl siyah yapılır? (bilgisayarda ve telefonda)

Google kısa süre önce masaüstü bilgisayarlardaki Google arama sayfaları için karanlık bir tema tanıttı. Karanlık mod, Android ve iOS arama uygulamaları için uzun süredir kullanılmaktadır. Artık resmi olarak Google ana sayfasına koyu veya siyah bir…
Google SEO

What are the principles of Google SEO?

What is Google SEO, and what are its principles? These days, the activity on different websites for companies and stores is very important. Individuals and institutions spend a lot of money and effort on advertising…

How to Recover Deleted Emails from Gmail

Sometimes there are situations where you need to recover your deleted emails. You may have deleted your emails by mistake, or you never thought you would need them. Well, now you may wonder if deleted…
Internal linking

What is description? How to write meta description?

One of the things that attract users’ attention in the results obtained from their search in Google to click on the site is the short description that is displayed under the link of the results…

What is google Knowledge Graph and how does it work?

Google has recently published new information about the knowledge graph. But what is Google’s knowledge graph? Join us to describe the Google knowledge graph in this article fully. The list of this article (by clicking…

What is a site map?

What is a site map? One of the most important steps to take in order to optimize the content and improve the SEO of the site is to register the sitemap in Google. By viewing…