several website design styles

Get to know several website design styles

The stages of designing and building websites to inform, introduce different companies and present their products are called site design. Different types of website design styles include the process of layering pages, ordering content, graphic…
What Is Database Sharding, What Are Its Advantages And Disadvantages?

What Is Database Sharding, What Are Its Advantages And Disadvantages?

The Design Of Applications Or Websites Should Be Such That They Have The Ability To Scale Over Time So That They Can Properly Respond To User Requests And Incoming Traffic. Scalability is essential in the…

Çevik Metodoloji Nedir?

Çevik Metodoloji Nedir?   Günümüz İşletmeleri Son Derece Rekabetçi ve Hızla Değişen Bir Ortamda Faaliyet Göstermektedir. Yeni fırsatlara ve pazarlara, ekonomik gelişmelere ve yeni rekabetçi ürün ve hizmetlerin ortaya çıkmasına uygun şekilde yanıt vermelidirler. Yazılım…

What is Git version control?

GIT is software for tracking changes to any set of files, commonly used to coordinate further work between programmers who jointly develop source code during software development. Gate’s goals include speeding up processes, data integrity,…

What is nosql?

From the updating of information to the unveiling of new technology services, NoSQL databases came and replaced relational databases or SQL. The main reason for this move was that SQL did not have the necessary…
Adaptive website design

Adaptive website design

Adaptive and responsive website design are different types of web design methods. As a web designer, if you want to do your job well and achieve the desired results, you must know which website design…
WordPress security plugin

A complete guide to choosing the best WordPress security plugin

WordPress should be considered the most popular content management system because more than a quarter of all websites are based on it! That’s why hackers are very interested in it. Knowing the best WordPress security…

What is WAMP and what is its use?

WAMP  is an online local server without the need for a real host and a secure environment for website activity, which is MySQL for Windows, Apache, and  PHP. In other words, Wamp Server is a…
types of websites

Introduction of different types of websites from different aspects

Types of websites are classified into different categories in terms of application, design, and kind of pages. Today, there are hundreds of millions of active websites worldwide, each of which will be placed in a…

What is Penetration Testing and How to Become a Penetration Tester?

Suppose you own a site or an application; this site may have a payment gateway or even require users to enter information when entering the site. It doesn’t matter if you own a business related…