content and digital signature

The difference between content and digital signature

When we talk about the content signature, the first concept that comes to your mind may be the digital signature. These two words are not directly related and are confused with each other only because…


What is SEO, and what does it do? SEO = Search Engine Optimization  search engine optimization is a set of activities in site design and coding, content strategy formulation, content production, and external link building…

How to find similar sites?

It often happens that you want to find sites similar to the one you have visited. It doesn’t matter if your purpose is to research the project you want or if you just want to…

windows 10da dil değiştirme

windows 10da dil değiştirme   Dil paketi yükleme Yeni bir dil paketi kurarken, Windows’un paketi indirmek için internete bağlanması gerekir. Notebook bilgisayarınızın uygun bir ağ ortamında olduğundan emin olun. Windows arama çubuğuna① [Dil ayarları] yazın ve…
keyword research

A comprehensive guide to keyword research

Keyword research is a basic way to determine what content the website audience is looking for in search engines and what words they are searching for. Using keywords, you can attract an audience to your…


If you want to set up a website for your personal or business website, you have probably heard words like HOST, host, and such. In this article, we intend to introduce you to hosting and…

16 Destructive Linux Commands You Should Never Run

16 Destructive Linux Commands You Should Never Run Do not touch Giza! This is the most common thing we adults say to children. A minor who seeks to discover the world around him, with the…

10 Best DNS Servers for Gaming in 2023

10 Best DNS Servers for Gaming in 2023 If you love gaming and are looking for the best DNS for gaming, you are in the right place. Rest assured that if you choose the best…
content signature

How to detect content signature by Google

Content signature is one of the SEO techniques that is becoming more important daily and is receiving more attention from SEO experts. You can use this technique to improve your SEO position when you produce…
website designer

Who is the website designer and what are his duties?

The website designer must be professional to design the best website for his clients. Today, many people work in the field of website design. To succeed in digital marketing, you should leave the website design…