Best WordPress Live Chat Plugins for 2022

Why should we use live chat plugins? When a user enters your site, he may have questions and want to get answers right away. One of the best ways to show that you value your…

How to improve WordPress website security

Why is WordPress security important to us? If you don’t keep your website secure, you risk being hacked and losing data or customer information. WordPress security is one of the main concerns of site administrators.…

Who is a data modeler and what skills does he have?

For Some Time Now, Data Modeling Has Been The Focus Of Companies As One Of The Most Important Skills In The Field Of Data Science And In Interacting With Databases. Data scientists need data modeling…
Who is a database expert and what skills does he have?

Who is a database expert and what skills does he have?

A Database Expert is responsible for Organizing And Maintaining The Data Stored In The Database. Typically, a database specialist deals with financial information, customer information, company inventory, and other confidential information. What a database expert…

How To Get A Good Job As A Java Developer?

If You Look Closely At The World Of Software, You Will See That Java Is Everywhere. From Android Apps And Web Server Tools To Enterprise Software, Java Has Somehow Formed The Backbone Of The IT…

How to Lazy Load Images on WordPress

Lazy loading in WordPress If your WordPress website relies heavily on visual content, you may want to add lazy loading. This WordPress feature helps improve website page speed and performance. It also improves your site’s…

Best free WordPress Page builder [2022]

WordPress page builder Do you also want to create a website without programming knowledge? One of the best options in front of you is WordPress. In this post, we have introduced the best free WordPress…

Best Tools to Track Visitor Traffic on Your WordPress Website

Why is visitor click tracking important? You need to know who is coming to your site, where visitors are coming from, and what exactly they are doing when they come to your WordPress site. Do…
website design software

Introducing the best website design software

Choosing website design software is one of the most sensitive and important parts of website design that should be taken seriously. Because suitable and ideal software makes it possible to launch the most attractive and…

The Road Map That Turns You Into A Backend Developer

When It Comes To Becoming A Backend Developer, The Focus Is Only On The Frameworks And Tools Developers Use To Carry Out Projects. In contrast, A Good Backend Developer Should Have A Deep Knowledge Of…