Donanım sanallaştırma

Bu gönderide, donanım sanallaştırması için CPU, bellek, depolama ve ağ gibi çeşitli donanım bileşenlerini keşfedeceğiz.   Sanal CPU’lar nasıl çalışır? Bir hipervizör kurduğumuzda, her fiziksel CPU sanal bir CPU olur. Bu, işlemci çalışma döngülerinin çekirdeklerin…

 Disable Desktop Wallpaper JPEG Quality Reduction in Windows 11

When you set an image as your desktop background wallpaper or slideshow, Windows imports a copy of the image and saves it as a TranscodedWallpaper file in the %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes folder. . Your desktop background wallpaper…

2 important methods to recover SEO traffic

If your ranking in search engine results has dropped or you can’t find the main keywords that lead to high traffic in Google Analytics, read this post. In this article, we will teach you two…

Sanallaştırmada sorun giderme, iletişim sorunları ve ağ yavaşlamaları için bazı çözümler

Sanallaştırmada sorun giderme, sanal ağ yöneticilerinin kalıcı eylemlerinden biridir. Bu yazıda, sanallaştırma sorunlarını giderme hakkında konuşacağız. Bu yazıda, ağ iletişimi ve yavaş performans sorunlarını giderme alanında bazı çözümler sunmak istiyoruz.     Ağ iletişimi sanallaştırmasında…

Search engine Bing or Bing mean?

In the article, the search engine what is said, apart from a Google Search Engine bing, another as Bing, there are maybe a lot of people from it, the size of Google, do not use.…
use of website design

What is the use of website design?

What is the use of website design? For what purpose do business owners design websites? Certainly, every website on the Internet is launched with a specific purpose. There are many benefits to looking at the…
SEO your site

How to SEO your site?

How to SEO your site is a question that many business owners and site managers are looking for. After launching a site, you should optimize it for search engines and SEO in general. A site…
SEO key tips

SEO key tips: steps of SEO site analysis

SEO key points, this section: Site SEO analysis SEO Key tips are what we are going to convey to you. Site SEO has many tips that you can see and use in the important SEO…

Fix 0x80041014 Windows Activation Error

While activating Windows 11/10, if a fatal error occurs while converting disk permissions error with error code 0x80041014, follow these troubleshooting tips to resolve the issue. The solution is very simple, and this article explains…

Windows 10, version 21H1 end of servicing

In a recent blog post, Microsoft reminded Windows 10 users that the company plans to end support for Windows 10 version 21H1.   Windows 10 v21H1 was released in May 2021, and users will receive…