React Native and Xamarin

Comparison of React Native and Xamarin

React Native and Xamarin frameworks are the best mobile application development frameworks. Their cross-platform feature allows them to build mobile applications compatible with different operating systems. As mobile app markets evolve, business owners are often…
Material Design

What is Material Design + 20 wonderful material design frameworks

Google developed its Material design language in recent years. Through material design, designers and end users can replicate Google instructions. In this article, we will examine Google’s material design language together and introduce 20 of…
XSS attacks

What are XSS attacks and how can they be prevented?

Cross-site scripting, or XSS, is one of the most common attacks by hackers for malicious purposes on the Web. Although the main abbreviation for this attack is CSS, because it is confused with CSS code,…
Security Plugins

13 Best WordPress Security Plugins

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems used by millions of websites around the world. The huge popularity of WordPress makes this platform always at the mercy of malicious hackers. Although WordPress…

Introducing the Spring framework

The Spring framework was created due to several problems with the Java language maturity path. Before the advent of EJB, Java programmers used JavaBeans to develop web applications. Although JavaBeans assisted Java programmers in designing…
big data

What is big data and what are its uses?

Big data in a world where information technology is at the forefront. It is a progressive engine that can accompany you to the moon. Technology giants worldwide have been able to make huge profits and…
UX and UI

20 practical tools for UX and UI design

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) are topics that are gaining more and more attention, and more companies and businesses are spending money to improve them. There are many UX and UI design tools.…
Full Stack

What is Full Stack and Who is Full Stack developer?

People in IT and the Internet have heard the term “full stack developer” at least once. Some attribute the term to programmers who are fluent in both front and back coding, while others use it…

What are DDoS attacks and how can they be prevented?

If your website or app suddenly goes offline due to a massive influx of traffic, it has likely been targeted by a DDoS or Denial-of-Service Attack. These types of cyber attacks are increasing rapidly, and…
FrontEnd Frameworks

7 Best FrontEnd Frameworks

In this article, we will examine 7 of the best FrontEnd frameworks according to their performance and popularity, So stay tuned for the rest of this article. Frameworks are very important and popular tools in…