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backlinks on WordPress

Teaching backlinks on WordPress site and reviewing the best methods

Read the training on backlinks on the WordPress site here. To be seen in search engines, sites need to go through an optimization or SEO process to reach the highest ranks of search engine proposals and find a visual quotient among visitors.

One of the most important elements in SEO is creating backlinks. Search engines identify these elements through algorithms and use them in scoring sites. Backlinks are clickable links used in part of a site’s content and point to another site.

These links are a reference for the site’s content, which is tracked through search engine algorithms, increases your site’s credibility, and makes content production visible to everyone. Also, it would help if you had marketing advice and order content production to optimize your site.

What is a site backlink?

Simply put, a link from one site to another is called a backlink. Google and other search engines consider backlinks “upvotes” for a particular page. Pages with more backlinks will naturally have higher search statistics and rankings.

By link, we mean text or images that, by clicking on them, the user is transferred to another page on the Internet. Backlinks are very effective in SEO. In this article, we have examined the importance of backlinks, how to build them, and how to determine the value of external links. This article will be your guide if you want to get your site ranked high.

The impact of external links on SEO; Improve site ranking with backlinks

After answering the question “What is a backlink?” and getting to know its nature, it is time to examine the impact of backlinks in SEO. External links directly affect the site’s SEO Because when a link is created from one page on another site, the value of its content is confirmed. Search engine bots understand that the linked page will be valuable and effective.

To produce a valuable page on your site, you must first consider the user’s needs. Then, make the page clear for Google bots using SEO techniques. To have valuable content, you need to master the rules of SEO. To begin with, it is suggested to read the article What is SEO and increase your knowledge in this field.

Since the foundation of the Google algorithm, links have been considered one of this search engine’s most important ranking factors. As confirmed by Google, despite the many changes made in this algorithm, this factor remains among the three principles of site ranking.

Making backlinks, From domain validation to anchor text selection

To fully answer the question of what is a backlink, we must also examine how to build a backlink. Many people think buying backlinks from any site can send a valuable signal to Google bots. However, you should wait for the Google penalty!

Buying backlinks is due to being unaware of the rules of making backlinks. Backlinks to spam sites with low domain authority will also cause problems for your site.

When creating a backlink, more attention should be paid to the word on which the link is created. This phrase is called anchor text. In the following, we will fully examine the concept and importance of anchor text.

Placing backlinks on the site; Attention to the linked text or Anchor Text

Anchor text or linked text refers to the word on which the link is placed. For example, in the past, it was common to put the link on the word “click here to enter the site.” The term “here” was considered the linked text or Anchor Text.

However, the big mistake was not paying attention to the anchor text phrase. When checking Google for backlinks, bots pay special attention to anchor text. Practically, this phrase will transfer value and credibility to your site. If your site is linked with the term “book,” your position in the word book in Google will be better. But if this link is created with the term “mobile,” your position in the term “mobile” will improve.

With the update of Google’s algorithms, the unnatural use of phrases such as Anchor Text has also become a way to identify and penalize spam sites. Natural combinations should be used to select the anchor text, as shown below.

The importance of backlinks in WordPress site

In general, there are two types of backlinks in a site’s content SEO: external and internal linking. Internal linking is called the tree structure of the contents of a site. Every link in the content is linked to a page on the same site.

Search engine crawlers identify these links and involve them in scoring the content. The second type of backlinks is outgoing links linked to pages outside the site’s domain. Search engine algorithms identify these links as a reference and address to confirm the credibility and value of the site.

However, the question arises: Do all external links play an effective role in the site’s SEO? To find the answer to this question, we must explain the concepts of follow and no-follow in backlinks. Search engine algorithms examine the codes of a backlink when identifying backlinks.

The following links do not have any characteristics in their script and are seen as normal links on the site. Algorithms identify follow links in this way. These links are considered valuable and valid and play an effective role in improving and optimizing your site. On the other hand, we have nofollow links, which have the word rel = nofollow in their code and script.

These links are considered neutral and do not directly impact the site optimization process. Wikipedia links, social networks, and blog comments have rel = nofollow and do not directly participate in the SEO process.

But in the meantime, one thing should be pointed out. In the above sentences, special attention should be paid to the expression “directly” because many follow backlinks without new follow backlinks through search engine bots is a non-error. It is taken for granted and disrupts the process of optimization and SEO. In this way, no-follow backlinks indirectly participate in the optimization process; without leaving a trace.

Ways to get backlinks in WordPress

There are different ways to build and get a backlink, which we will explain in the following backlink training on the WordPress site and its methods:

Social Networks

Social networks can be the most important publishers of links. As mentioned earlier, social networks and their links do not directly impact SEO. Still, they can increase the number of visitors by sharing links and expanding links naturally.

Appropriate content

Content is king. This is your most important strategy in all areas of digital marketing. However, in the field of SEO and backlinks, if you have powerful content, others will use your links, and this frequent use will improve your ranking in Google’s offers.

Guest post

Some sites allow the user to write an article in it. This is an opportunity for you to improve your site’s ranking.


Link building in forums is free. This gives you another opportunity to improve your site’s ranking.

What is the best way to get backlinks for a WordPress site?

In the following, we will introduce you to the most effective and best method to create a link: this method is nothing but advertisement reporting. In this way, you get a natural link and use the validity of this backlink continuously. Also, sponsored content will undoubtedly increase the site’s ranking in Google results. The following describes every advantage and condition of using this opportunity.

Being popular

At first, try to buy ad reports from sites with good Alexa ranking. Because the validity of these links is to attract natural traffic, and with the increase in the number of users of Google algorithms, they focus more on your activity than before.

Permanent links

All credit given to your site will be lost if the link is removed. So, make sure the links are permanent.

Domain validity

With a few simple searches, you can check the validity of the site domain from which the report is advertising. You should know from the results of the search engines which sites the engines trust more, and you should buy reports from the same sites.

Because the domain’s validity means being professional and being professional means a permanent link, a permanent link means being visited and being visited means a top Alexa rank! You can get powerful links and natural traffic only by following this path.


Always check the reporting time frame. If these intervals are short, algorithms and bots will recognize you as spam and burn the link.

Number of links

The higher the number of links, the more doubt it raises, lowering your chances of success. Normally, a report should not have more than 4 to 5 links. To preserve the value of the links and not arouse suspicion about bots,

Single link

Multiple links should never be entered on a page; This rule is called a single link.

Final remarks

Backlinks are one of the most important elements of site optimization. They can be created with appropriate content and basic use of outgoing links. However, the technical issues of backlinks and their source codes should not be neglected because not all types of backlinks can directly affect your site’s SEO.