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Introducing the top 10 online SEO site analysis sites

Online SEO site analysis is one of the most important issues that can effectively improve your site’s SEO process. We can use different sites for website SEO analysis. Continuing this article, we will introduce and review the top 10 sites that deal with SEO analysis.

Top 10 online SEO site analysis sites

WooRank site

WooRank is considered one of the best sites for online SEO analysis. It can check your website in the shortest possible time and provide a report of your website’s internal SEO and external SEO. You can use this website for free for a limited period of 7 days. After seven days, you can access the unlimited version of the program by paying a fee.

The WooRank report is analyzed in 8 different sections:

1. SEO

This section includes online SEO analysis of your site, including internal and external SEO. It also specifies your site’s general defects.

2. Responsive

Online SEO analysis can check your site for responsiveness in this section and make the necessary evaluations.

3. Locality

It is related to the local services of your website.

4. Visitor

This section estimates the number of visits to your site.

5. Usability

Usability in this section checks whether your site is suitable and easy for users.

6. Technology

The site speed check is analyzed in this section.

7. Social networks

This section measures your popularity on social networks.

8. Marketing checklists

The marketing checklist is the most important report from this site.

Seo Site Checkup tool

Seo site checkup is another online SEO site analysis site that checks and analyzes your site for free. This website can also analyze your competitors’ websites.

Items that are checked by the tool:

1. Responsive:

This section checks whether your website page is displayed correctly on other devices.

2. Social networks

This department evaluates your performance in social networks.

3. Semantic Web

The use of features such as schema is examined in this section.

4. Common SEO problems

All issues related to SEO are discussed in this section. The density of keywords, checking the existence of the robot file, sitemap, URLs, codes, tags, etc.

5. Improving site speed

This section examines things related to improving the site’s speed.

6. Server Security

Online SEO site analysis in this security section checks the security of your website page.

Online SEO site analysis with Site Auditor

Site Auditor is another website that checks and analyzes your site’s SEO online. Raven Tools provides this site and allows you to use the site editor for free for up to 14 days.

Things that can be checked and analyzed by the site editor:

1. Meta

This section reviews your website’s most important metadata and informs you if it has a copy.

2. Visibility

The visible part of your site is examined in this part from the point of view of search engines.

3. Content

The textual content that you share through the blog will be reviewed in this section.

4. Link

Information about your site’s internal and external links is provided in this section.

5. Photo

The online SEO analysis of the site in this section includes the review of photos and image alts.

6. Site speed

The site’s speed on mobile and desktop is checked in this section, and it is displayed to you by assigning a score.

7. Comparison of creep

At this stage, your site will be checked on different dates, and their results will be compared.

Site marketing grader and Site analyzer

An online SEO site analysis will be done by a marketing grader focusing on your company’s strategies. The report provided by this site has 5 points:

1. Blogging

Your blogging activities are reviewed in this section.

2. SEO

This department checks your website’s internal and external SEO.

3. Social networks

Your activities in the social networks in which you are active are examined in this section.

4. Mobile

This department will also check your website’s mobile friendliness.

5. Lead generation

The effectiveness of your site’s landing page is checked.

Site analyzer website

Site analyzer is another online SEO site analysis website that presents your site information in 5 groups. It also examines your website’s global ranking, website accessibility, website design, network rankings, etc.

1. Website design

How are your website’s codes and HTML tags written in this section? Are they optimal or not?

2. Accessibility

The activation of the site’s cache, the download speed, etc., are also examined in the accessibility section.

3. Multimedia

It is related to the media that is shared and displayed. This section’s important photos, videos, audio files, image clips, etc., are important.

4. Text

The information about the texts, the blog section, and the key points that should be observed in writing them is important in this section.

5. Network

Internal links to our website and indexed site pages are in this step.

Review of SEO workers, Lipperhey, and three other analysis sites

Online SEO site analysis with SEO workers has become very popular recently. This website can provide you with useful information about the following by checking your site’s URL:

1. Check keywords in anchor text format

2. Check the most important keywords

3. Checking the position of the page in search engines

4. Check the head elements

5. Check HTTP headers check

Another website we will look at is Lipperhey. This site is not considered like other introduced websites but can provide useful information. Information such as:

1. Site visitors

2. How to design the site

3. Web hosting

4. How to be indexed

5. Check internal SEO

Upcity free SEO report card is one of the analyzers that provide you with an SEO report card to analyze your website. This website reviews the SEO of your site in 6 categories:

1. Internal SEO analysis

2. Link building

3. Checking the ranking of the site

4. Site Index

5. Trust measurement

6. How to access the site

Seoptimer is a site that checks your website’s SEO for free. It analyzes titles, links, social networks, domains, and servers. Web gnomes provide free SEO analysis that examines how to use head and body tags. The site also checks URLs.