CPU önbelleği nedir?

CPU önbelleği, performans hızı açısından RAM’den bile daha hızlı olan işlemcinin içindeki bellektir. Bu yazıda, bu sorunu inceleyeceğiz ve CPU önbelleğinin ne olduğunu ve kullanımlarının neler olduğunu göreceğiz.       CPU önbelleği nedir? herhangi…

CPU alırken dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar!

CPU alırken dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar!   Kullanıcıların en önemli kaygılarından biri bilgisayarına uygun bir CPU almaktır ve bazı kişiler yeni bir CPU almayı tercih ederken, diğer yandan sınırlı bir bütçeyle karşılaşan birçok profesyonel kullanıcı…

CPU sıcaklığı ne olmalı? CPU’nun normal sıcaklığını nasıl öğrenebilirim?

CPU sıcaklığı, PC’nizin ve ağ donanımınızın sağlığı için çok kritik bir konudur. Sıkça sorulan sorulardan biri de CPU sıcaklığı nasıl bulunur? Veya cpu’nun normal sıcaklığı ne olmalıdır. Bu yazımızda CP sunucu sıcaklığını ve bununla ilgilenmenin…
What Is RAM Memory And How Much Of It Do We Need In The Phone?

What Is RAM Memory And How Much Of It Do We Need In The Phone?

RAM In Smartphones Is One Of The Most Important Criteria That Should Be Considered When Buying These Devices; Nowadays, having enough RAM In A Smartphone Is Very Important. What is this random access memory? What…
An In-Depth Look At Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Gen 2; The Most Advanced Chip In The Android World

An In-Depth Look At Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 2; The Most Advanced Chip In The Android World

Snapdragon 8 Generation 2 Is The Latest Flagship Processor From Qualcomm, Which Has Experienced Significant Changes And Will Soon Enter High-End Android Phones. Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, After a long wait, Qualcomm introduced the…
Review Of Intel's 13th Generation Processors From The Perspective Of Major Technology Media

Review Of Intel’s 13th Generation Processors From The Perspective Of Major Technology Media

Experts Say That Reptorlik Processors Are “The Most Powerful And Valuable Desktop Processors In The World”; But They Get Too Hot In Heavy Processing. Intel’s 13th Generation Processors, Intel introduced the fifth Mehr Raptorlik as the…
What Is Overclocking And What Are Its Advantages And Disadvantages?

What Is Overclocking And What Are Its Advantages And Disadvantages?

Most Computer Users Have Heard The Word Overclock. In This Article, We Intend To Introduce You To The Concept And Capability Of Overclocking And Say It Is Better To Think About Overclocking Your System Components…
Introduction To Industrial UPS

Introduction To Industrial UPS

Nowadays, Buying UPS Has Become One Of The Main Concerns Of Companies, Factories, And Commercial Centers.  UPSs are often used to protect personal computers, computer centers, servers, telecommunications, hospitals, factories, and critical industries that perform…

The Difference between HDD, SSD and NVMe Hosting

One of the differences between virtual servers is the difference in their memory. Virtual servers generally have two types of memory, including HDD and SSD, each of which has different modes; For example, there are…
hard drives

NVMe vs. SATA vs. M.2: What’s the Difference Between These hard drives.

Solid state drives (SSD) have become more widely used than hard disk drives (HDD) due to increased read and write speeds and fewer moving parts. You may have noticed that SSDs come in different types…