Providing Security For Super-Centric Services How To Secure Cloud Infrastructure?

Providing Security For Super-Centric Services How To Secure Cloud Infrastructure?

The Use Of Cloud Computing Services Is Increasing Day By Day. That’s Why Security Experts Are Looking For Solutions To Overcome Cloud Security Problems. Secure Cloud Infrastructure, With the rapid growth of cloud services and the…
How Do Cloud Infrastructures Help Businesses Thrive?

How Do Cloud Infrastructures Help Businesses Thrive?

Statistics Clearly Show That A Large Portion Of IT Services Have Moved To The Cloud Infrastructure, And Companies Have Moved In-House Services To The Cloud Infrastructure To Save Costs.  Cloud Infrastructures, developers, have welcomed cloud…
What are the most popular jobs in the cloud world in the next few years?

What Are The Most Popular Jobs In The Cloud World In The Next Few Years?

The Expansion Of Cloud Infrastructure Has Made Cloud-Related Jobs One Of The Mainstream Of The IT World, So That Today More Than 20 Job Titles Related To Cloud Computing Alone Have Entered The World Of…
What Is The Impact Of Cloud Computing On Iran's Economic Development?

What Is The Impact Of Cloud Computing On Iran’s Economic Development?

Indigenous Development Of Cloud Computing Has Many Benefits For The Economies Of Countries, Including Job Creation, Exports, Independence From External Services, Improved Security Quality, And Cost Savings In Bandwidth And Network Traffic.  As the main…

What Is Xaas? Xaas The Title X As A Service Is A General Term Describing Any Type Of Service

Xaas The Title X As A Service Is A General Term Describing Any Service That Originates In The Cloud. Xaas Refers To The Various Types Of Tools, Products, And Technologies That Vendors Provide To Users…

What Is Iaas? Infrastructure As A Service (Iaas) Is The Name Of The First And Most Basic Cloud Computing Model

Infrastructure As A Service (Iaas) Is The Name Of The First And Most Basic Cloud Computing Model That Emerged Before The Saas And Paas Models.  Iaas, As with the two models, the infrastructure serves as…

What is PaaS? Platform As A Service Is A Cloud Computing Model

Platform As A Service Is A Cloud Computing Model: A Third-Party Provider Delivers Hardware And Software Tools To Users Through An Internet Communication Channel.  Typically, these tools are widely used in connection with the development…

Virtual Clouds, Does Digital Privacy End With Death?

The Corona Outbreak Has allowed Us To Think More Seriously About Death. Now That Our Lives Are Increasingly Digital, We Are Experiencing A New Style Of Death In This Digital World.  An experience with unique…

The Prominent Role Of Fog Computing In The World Of Networking And The Internet Of Things

IoT devices are producing a variety of large amounts of data. Data must be sent to the cloud for analysis.  The growing amount of information that needs to be sent to the cloud often prevents…

What is SaaS?

SaaS, which stands for Software as a Service, is a cloud-based service. In fact, instead of downloading, installing, running, or updating our software through the Internet on the desktop of our online business systems or…