Learn how to block Windows applications from accessing the Internet with Windows Firewall

It is interesting to know that with the help of Windows Firewall in Windows, you can easily restrict the programs installed on your system to the desired Internet access. As you know, many computer programs…

Learn how to prevent Protect USB Flash memory from becoming infected

One of the most popular ways to transfer data today is to use USB flash drives. But you must know that using this memory can transmit the virus Increases computing between different systems, which will cause a…

Migration From Windows To Linux

Microsoft Announced At The End Of January, The Company Would Stop Supporting Windows 7, Which Means There Are No More Updates Or Security Patches From Microsoft For Good. Linux OS is so much faster if you…
CMD commonds

16 common CMD commonds

Windows OS has many CMD utilities and tools that aren’t available for any user; with that being said, there’s a command prompt window for users to do all customization with their os; in the bottom…