customer life cycle

What is the customer life cycle?

What is the customer life cycle? The customer life cycle is an important concept in marketing that refers to when a customer is in contact with a company, From when he first interacts with the…
vlogger and a blogger

Examining the difference between vlogger and blogger and influencer

This article will explain the difference between a vlogger and a blogger. With the expansion of virtual space and the increase in people’s use of social networks, blogging, and vlogging is considered new and popular…
vlogging on Instagram

Teaching vlogging on Instagram

Where can you see vlogger training on Instagram? Stay with us. In today’s world, Instagram has become one of the most important and popular social networks. Since video content on Instagram is also interesting to…
vlog or podcast

Is Vlog or podcast better?

Is a vlog or podcast better? This article will explain what kind of content you should produce to grow your business. Due to the increasing trend of using digital media, many people and companies are…
vlog for social networks

Types of vlogs for social networks

Creating vlogs for social networks requires following several points. In the following, we will mention some tips on how you can succeed in vlogging. With the increasing growth of social networks and their transformation into…
content marketing strategy

Familiarity with content marketing strategy

Content marketing strategy is one of the methods that many businesses use to improve their website ranking in search engines, attract audiences and increase sales. This article examines Content Marketing strategy and its benefits for…
download effects for video editing

Guide to download effects for video editing

Download effects for video editing will help you as a video editor to work more professionally on your videos. With different effects, you can apply all kinds of changes you want to your videos. By…
video content better or text

Is video content better or text?

Is video content better or text? This is one of the questions you must have thought about. If you need to produce content for any reason, you cannot stop thinking about these two methods in…
professional video editing software

Getting to know 11 professional video editing software

Professional video editing software is the most important tool that a video editor should have. If this software is installed on the right laptop, you can work better and more professionally as an editor. For…
professional video blog

What do you know about the uses and features of a professional video blog?

What are the features of a professional video blog? Join us to help you produce a professional video blog. With the advancement of technology and communication, social media has become one of the most popular…