What is Windows?
Windows is a desktop operating system that has been used in PCs for more than three decades. It is also used more than other OSes. All Windows versions have a different graphical interface. The first version was released in 1985. So, after the first unveiling, more serious updates were made to make the systems more user-friendly.
What is the name of the Windows manufacturer?
An American company founded Windows called Microsoft for the first time. Then, day by day, this company developed, and nowadays, it has become one of the largest software companies in the world. They attract a lot of users. Step-by-step Windows provides the user’s needs, and in 2015, they shared that Windows 10 was very popular among people. After a while, it was installed on all computers and responded to people. In conclusion, windows, with its services, not only became the best but also expanded every day. They show that no one can prevent their progress.
What’s the meaning of Windows?
Windows is one of the most popular operating systems around the world, and more than 90% of computers use it. All users need to have secure systems that do not allow everyone to access their files, photos, or personal information. So, it provides a way for people to take away their worries and somehow show that it can be a good place to keep their information.
What is the language of This operating system?
The most popular languages among people:
C sharp, C++, C, PITON, JAVA
Windows language on the web application: As the world of the internet expands daily and the number of people who use desktops decreases, most users turn to applications and mobiles. Nevertheless, still somebody that use desktops, and due to this, there are different programming languages, such as Java, JavaScript, C#
What is the use of Windows?
It has several functions, including:
The first usage is testing everything to ensure it works properly and flawlessly.
Secondly, it checks the new hardware.
At last, it runs operating systems.
Pros and Cons
Support a large amount of applications.
One of the points that we can mention about this is the wide range of applications that it can support.
It can be run on all computers
It can be easily accessible on all personal computers or laptops.
Support new hardware
Another advantage of Windows operating that can be mentioned is the support for new hardware in computer cases.
Upgrading security software and other updates
One good piece of news for game fans is that Windows has the biggest space for them.
On the other side, we have some problems you can see in the following:
One of the most important disadvantages of this operating system is security. Hackers are very interested in it because they can easily hack it. If you don’t want to be attacked by them, you have to use strong antivirus software.
Reboot the system
Whenever some programs run together, your system quickly becomes slow and doesn’t work; this topic is one of the most important problems.
High prices
The Linux operating system is free, has open resources, and is secure, but in Windows, you have to buy Office programs.
Having a lot of Hardware resources
If you want to install Windows, you need a high RAM and graphics card; otherwise, you’ll face some problems.
Another disadvantage of the Windows operating system is the lack of individual support, which means you have to search for your problems elsewhere.