Mobile application marketing strategies

Mobile application marketing strategies

Mobile application marketing has strategies that you can follow to achieve high success. Mobile application marketing strategies include various approaches used for app development, branding, marketing, and growth. These strategies are very important for organizations…
increase site SEO

Tricks to increase the site’s SEO and site ranking in Google

Do you know how to increase the site’s SEO? Do you know what position SEO has found among people these days? SEO or search engine optimization these days has been able to find a place…
website design

Everything about website design

Today, website design is more than visual beauty and refers to the website’s overall functionality. Web design carefully curates content and plans to share it online. This is where you create visuals through graphic design…


In this article, we will tell you about the following: Who is a UI/UX designer? What are the duties of a UX/UI designer? What is the difference between UI/UX design? Does UX affect SEO? And…

common mistakes in user experience design

Some time ago, we talked about common mistakes in website design. Mistakes that both professionals and beginner designers may make. In this article, we want to go deeper into the topic of user experience and…
MIV architecture

Getting to know the MVI architecture pattern in Android

MVI architecture proposed and implemented a new theory that by writing a method only once, it is possible to control all UI interactions with the user and actually get rid of CallBacks to some extent.…

What is UI and UX? What is the Difference between them?

Business and life have become increasingly dependent on the Internet, web applications, and mobile phones; As a result, companies have realized that the best way to compete on the web is to prioritize building an…
most useful UX design tools

Getting to know the most useful UX design tools

UX design software is one of the most useful UX design tools. UX design software helps to complete the design process and all the steps required to implement the website or application in the user…
purpose of UX design

What is the purpose of UX design?

What is UX design? What is the purpose of UX design? UX strives to bring a positive experience to users. This positive experience is the basis of UX work and allows the user to return.…
User experience design

User experience design steps

User experience design is one of the most important steps to improve your business. For this reason, we will examine the different stages of user experience design in this article. The stage of user experience…