What is tbt or Total Blocking Time ?

What is tbt? tbt or Total Blocking Time is one of the factors of Google Core Vital Web that was introduced in 2020. This factor is an important criterion for evaluating and determining our site…

What is CLS ?

When it comes to site speed optimization, it is impossible to forget the three factors of Core Web Vitals; Factors one of the most important of which is cls. But what is cls? cls or…

What is LCP ?

In May 2020, Google officially announced that core web vitals were part of an update to ranking algorithms. Core web vitals include factors that are directly related to the user experience and play an important…

What are Crawler bots !

The topic we want to address in this article is the creep budget. This is an interesting and challenging topic that Google has officially announced that we should not worry about, but several unofficial comments…

What is a Canonical Tag ?

One of the most specialized and difficult SEO terms is a canonical tag or rel = canonical. Despite its complex title, the canonical tag is not a very strange subject and happens to be one…
content writer

What is the job of a content writer?

Content writing is one of the most popular jobs with a very good job market in today’s world. If you are one of those people who want to become a freelancer, you can earn a…
creating an online business

Introducing six practical ideas for creating an online business

Some business ideas have great potential, and others do not. It is a point that every novice entrepreneur should pay more attention to than anything else. In such a situation, it is necessary to analyze…
content writing

Review the most professional principles of content writing

Principles of content writing are those basic and important principles necessary and practical for content production and simple principles such as writing content, researching keywords, using practical tools, etc. There are more professional principles in…

What is Structured Data ?

Most of us’ s first and closest experience with data structure is the comments section and rating stars for the content of articles or product pages. Still, we know that the capabilities of Structured Data…

What is 404 error ?

It does not matter if you are new to the web or an active user who has been using the Internet for many years; We have all encountered the annoying 404 error pages at least…