Web design with Django

Website design with Django

What are the features of website design with Django? As you know, Python is one of the most famous programming languages. Django is also a tool used by Python programmers to make the website development…

Python programlama dilini öğrenme süresi

40 saat içinde yeni bir geliştirici Python’da temel uygulama komut dosyaları yazabilmelidir. Python öğrenmek için bu sefer şöyle:     4 saat Python ve IDE kurulumu   Bir “Merhaba Dünya” betiği oluşturmak ve IDE konsolunda…
website design tool

Introducing the best and easiest website design tool

What is the best and easiest website design tool? Is it possible to design a website with a mobile phone? Is website design better with coding or without coding? Since website design is one of…

How to Install Pip3 On Windows With A Few Easy Steps

How to Install Pip3 On Windows With A Few Easy Steps Python is a powerful programming language that has high code readability. It comes with various packages for programming, data science and many more. Since…

WordPress vs Python: Use WordPress or Python to build your website

WordPress vs. Python: Use WordPress or Python to build your website Many people face this question and challenge when designing a website: Python or WordPress? Which of these systems and programming languages ​​is better for…

Python programlama dili nedir?

Python programlama dili nedir? Teknik olarak “Python”, web ve uygulama geliştirme için entegre dinamik “Semantik” ile “Nesne Yönelimli” ve “Üst Düzey” bir programlama dilidir.(Uygulama yazılımı) dır. Bu programlama dili, “Dinamik Tipler” ve “Dinamik Bağlama” içerdiğinden…

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python?

Within 40 hours, a new developer should be able to write basic application scripts in Python. This is the time to learn Python: 4 hours of Python and IDE installation 4 hours to create a…

python host: How to use Find Python Host ?

In web design, Python programming language with popular frameworks such as Django, Flask, etc., has been able to find many fans. Coding and working with these frameworks is very fast and easy and has a…
programming languages in 2022

Top 10 programming languages ​​to learn in 2022

Starting a programming program is often accompanied by what language we should learn and what languages ​​are currently in the better job market. In this article, we ask Ded9 to introduce a list of the…

App Developing with python (Everything you need to know in 2021) !

As technology is increasing day-by-day, it’s developing programs and mobile applications that work with programming languages. Among them, one such programming language is Python mobile app development. Talking about current Google trends, Python is the…