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How to Reduce the number of Inodes in your Hosting account?

What is an inode?

An inode is a data structure in the file system of Linux operating systems that represent an object (such as a file or branch) in the file system. The number of inodes on a host can be considered the total number of all files and folders. Be madeWhat is the reason for applying inode restrictions on hosts?

Today, many prominent service providers worldwide apply restrictions on inode in shared hosting services. Using this restriction makes the possibility of creating many in-hosting services disabled.

A very high number of files and branches in a branch can cause more information to be stored in the file system tables of that branch and, as a result, consume higher resources every time data is called from the unit. Finally, this issue causes increased consumption of resources when retrieving data, reducing the speed of retrieving information and the life of the hardware.

There are ways to reduce inodes.

1- Check the directories with the highest number of inodes on your host.

For a more detailed check, you must first identify the directories with the highest number of inodes; in some hosting management systems such as cpanel, direct admin, etc., some tools can help you identify the guides with the highest number of inodes.
2- Identify and delete additional files

There may be files on your host by yourself or the skins and plugins you have installed on your WordPress, which you can delete to reduce the inode of your host.

Note: Before deleting any file from your site, make a backup to restore it if you encounter a problem.

Most plugins create folders in the wp-content folder and uploads folder of WordPress where they can store the values they need, so it is suggested to check the mentioned folder if you used a plugin before and delete it. If that plugin has created a folder in your host, identify and delete it.

If you have manually added files to your host that you do not need, it is better to back them up and delete them from the host.

3- Delete cache files

To reduce requests, cache plugins store files in static form on the host, so if these plugins are not set to delete the cached files at regular intervals, this issue can cause the inode to increase.

For this reason, if you use cache plugins on your WordPress site or previously used and deleted them, you should find the plugin folder and delete it.

Most cache plugins create a folder called cache in the wp-content folder and store the files.
4- Removing redundant and useless images

Most skins create different sizes from the uploaded image and save it so they can use that size if needed. This can increase the number of inodes.

It is difficult to identify different sizes of images. Still, it is suggested that if you have old or unused posts on your site, delete them so that their uploaded images are also deleted.

You can go to the media section and identify single images by selecting the unwrapped ones and removing the extras.

5- Delete backup files

Some site administrators make a backup of their host and store it in a folder on the host; this work will increase the number of inodes of the site, apart from the fact that it may cause security problems for your site.

Therefore, if you keep the backup file on your host, download it on your system and then delete it from the host.
6- Delete spam and old emails

If you have created an email on your host, you may find a lot of spam or old emails in it, and by deleting them, you can reduce the number of inodes on the site.
7- Transferring files from one host to another

If you have a download site, it is better to prepare a download server, put your files on that server, and then put the link of your download files on the leading site.

Finally, if you have experienced another solution to reduce inode on the host, write to us in the comments section.