Concepts of the Web and programming world
Familiarity with web protocols and their types
Entitled Concepts of the World of Web and Programming: Introduction to Networking and Its Applications, we mentioned a comprehensive definition of computer networks and the reasons for their importance. By knowing what a protocol is and how it works, we understand how computers communicate with each other. Therefore, in this section, we will discuss the concept of protocol.
Communicating between computers
Computers need a completely secure structure and foundation to communicate with each other. Humans talk to each other easily, and humans today find different ways to communicate with each other. For example, I say to you, “Can you listen to me for a moment?” And, of course, you have the right reaction to my sentence. This is because we use the same language to communicate. On the other hand, computers can’t communicate with each other so easily, so protocol is a solution to this need. A protocol is a packet-based structure that sends and receives from one side to the other.
The Internet is a network consisting of a large number of networks, different computers. Some of these networks are connecting together cable, others by WiFi or wireless connection. Some of them are at shorter distances. A number of cables have crossed the oceans. In fact, in this case, they connect to each other, but what is between these cables? We need to talk about the package.
What are the contents of a package?
The package is a unit with a fixed structure and size. Basically, information goes to computers through packets. But what if our information is vast? Imagine sending the following image from one computer to another on the Internet.
Naturally, the amount of information a photo has to send on the network in a packet is very large, so the computer decides to split the photo into small sections and send each small section to another computer.
For example, computer A sends a packet to computer B. What do you think is the content and structure of the submitted package?
For example, part of it is about the type of package. Another part about what computer B will do after receiving the package?
What is a Node?
In computer networks, each member connected to the network is a node. For example, a computer, a printer, or a modem can exist as a node in a network. Therefore, in this article, instead of writing computer, we use ninety in definitions and paragraphs.
Computer networks consist of billions of computers. Each node can communicate with other computers on the network. The key question in this regard is what do the nodes say to each other? What is transmition between them? Of course, it is an array of 0s and 1s. But on what basis and structure are the protocols really built? This article will answer all the questions. In the following article, we will get acquainted with the protocol and its types.
The third millennium was associated with concepts such as the technological revolution, globalization, and sustainable development. Due to the growing population and the increase in the number of users connected to the World Wide Web, so the number of Internet users as an effective tool increased significantly. As a result, the number of users communicating with different devices and in different languages increased. These connections include many ways in which data is transmitted through various implemented software. Therefore, if there are no fixed standards according to which the user interacts with the data and how the devices treat the data. Communication will not be possible worldwide.
What is a web protocol?
A protocol is a way of communicating between nodes in a network. In other words, a set of instructions, contracts, and the same rules for all nodes is called a protocol. Another definition is that a protocol can be defined as: To communicate and benefit from all the components connected to the network and to use the hardware facilities, and to communicate between all the different components of a network, we need a set of rules and instructions that This is called a protocol.
In this simple example we discussed in this article, we only considered sending a simple package, but in reality there are many protocols that have certain complexities and functions. Such as IP.
Different protocols have been created for different purposes. How and for what purpose are protocols designed, and what are they called? It is worth noting that protocols are designed and implemented by humans. For this reason, we see different types of protocols, some of which are mentioned below:
Types of Web Protocols
This section lists all the protocols that you should hear at least once. The Internet consists of several protocols, each of which performs a different function. All the services you use end up sending packets from one computer to another using one or more protocols. Such as email
There are several types of protocols that play an important role in connecting different devices over the network. These protocols include:
- TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
- IP: Internet Protocol
- UDP: User Datagram Protocol
- UDP: User Datagram Protocol
- SMTP: Simple mail transport protocol
- FTP: File Transfer Protocol
- HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
- HTTPS: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
- Telnet: Internet Protocol for communication with remote hosts and local data processing
- Gopher: A protocol for providing information using a system of menus, pages, or links to Telnet
- FTAM (File Transfer Management and Access), which is a file access protocol
- NCP: Central Core Protocol
- DNS: A protocol that converts a domain name
- STP: Part of Novell’s IPX / SPX protocol stack