CentOS or Ubuntu
One of the most widely used and popular server operating systems is Linux, which currently has nearly 600 distributions. Because of the many options, choosing the best Linux distribution is not easy. But if you are looking for a suitable version for web servers among different distributions, you must have heard the names of CentOS and Ubuntu distributions.
But in your opinion, which is a better option, Ubuntu or CentOS? If you are still hesitant to answer this question, read on to understand the features and differences between these two versions fully.
What is CentOS?
CentOS is an open-source Linux distribution that stands for Operation System Community Enterprise. Red Hat released the first version of CentOS Linux in 2004, and the latest version, CentOs 8, was released in September 2019.
Many people consider Linux CentOS a copy of Redhat Enterprise Linux, and it is widely used in IT and organizations.
Also, traditional OS is supported by the general community, meaning no specific company offers this version for free. You should go to people who use this Linux distribution to solve problems and answer your questions.
Features of CentOS
CentOS high security
One of the most important concerns of high-security people is that different Linux distributions have succeeded in meeting their users’ needs and expectations regarding security. CentOS Linux protects against unauthorized access among different distributions by having several built-in security features, such as the SELinux kernel (Security-Enhanced Linux).
On the other hand, the security team’s presence in Red Hat is important in identifying threats and damages, thus ensuring high-level security.
Extensive updates and support
Traditional OS versions are updated regularly, and their original versions are supported for 10 years. For example, CentOS 7 was released on July 7, 2014, and will be supported until June 30, 2024, receiving security updates as needed. Therefore, this version is the best choice for people looking for support and stability of their platform in application production and development.
CentOS is free!
CentOS is a free distribution; therefore, everyone is invited to use it to enhance the performance of different Linux distributions. It is also better to know that Sunt OS has different options for downloading its software, such as Amazon Web Services, torrents, and DVD ISO.
The flexibility of the traditional OS
The dough of this operating system is in your hands! This means you can configure your operating system by making changes and adding desired features for any software and functionality. In fact, in this distribution, the hands of users are completely open in its efficiency and use.
Support through forums and a growing community
CentOS has many fans worldwide, and its widespread use connects you to many documents and information. The CentOS community consists of various members and teams from different communities, and all these people are trying to improve and grow this distribution.
Therefore, a wide and growing community exists to solve problems, errors, and issues. If you encounter any problems, you can refer to these forums and find the answer to your question.
What is Ubuntu?
Ubuntu is an African word meaning “humanity towards others.” Mark Shuttle started the Ubuntu project in South Africa, and currently, Ubuntu is the most popular version for laptops and desktop computers. Ubuntu distribution is free, open source, and available to millions.
The name Ubuntu was chosen because, unlike Mac and Windows operating systems, which profit from the sale of their operating systems, the primary purpose of this Linux distribution is to bring the spirit of humanity to the computer world. Everyone should be able to use Ubuntu, regardless of language, ability, or income.
Features of Ubuntu
Ubuntu is user-friendly!
Ubuntu space is the best option for beginners who do not have much experience with Linux. Although the Ubuntu environment significantly differs from Windows and Mac, it is easy to learn. The Ubuntu operating system uses GNOME as one of the most popular desktop environments (DE) in Linux.
Free to use Ubuntu
Unlike Windows and Mac, Ubuntu is free, and you can easily download and use it from the Ubuntu website.
Meanwhile, for Windows, you have to buy the computer with it or pay a fee for each Windows license. Also, macOS operating systems are pre-installed on Mac systems and unavailable for purchase.
Some flavors of Ubuntu are lightweight.
We introduced the GNOME desktop environment a little while ago, but this is not the only one you can get with Ubuntu. These distributions are available in the market in different types, called ” flavors.” If you have an old system and cannot use new versions of Windows, it is better to go for the MATE flavor.
Also, some other flavors of Ubuntu, such as Ubuntu MATE, Xubuntu, and Lubuntu, are lightweight operating systems that are easy to install on older systems.
Access to software
You can easily install the software you want by searching for “Ubuntu Software” in the Ubuntu Store with just a few clicks. If the programs you wish for are not found, you may face alternative programs. Of course, it is better to know that Ubuntu software only allows installing applications such as Snaps.
Comparison of two distributions, Ubuntu and CentOS
Updates and stability
Due to fewer package updates, Cent OS’s distribution is more stable than Ubuntu’s. Of course, this feature can be seen as a weakness because if you need the latest program version, you must manually install the software. In any case, CentOS is more stable than its Ubuntu counterpart.
Ubuntu or CentOS support
If you’re looking for better support, Ubuntu is a better choice than traditional OS. Because the Ubuntu community is larger and more resourceful than its traditional OS counterpart, finding solutions to your problems is easier. Ubuntu has a better place than traditional OS regarding books, forums, and tutorials. Also, Ubuntu Server has more and better support than traditional OS.
The biggest difference between Ubuntu and traditional OS
Knowing a little about Linux is enough to know that there is no single architecture in Linux distributions. For this reason, the biggest difference between traditional OS and Ubuntu is in their architecture. The traditional OS architecture is based on RHEL, and Ubuntu’s is based on Diban. For this reason, there are many differences between these two distributions, and migrating from one distribution to another is not easy.
Usability and ease of use
If you are a beginner, it is better to go with Ubuntu because running CentOS on a server is difficult. RHEL-based desktop distributions are not widely used in the OS tradition. On the other hand, the Ubuntu desktop is much more popular and doesn’t take much time to learn.
Speed of Ubuntu or Cent OS
Of course, speed depends largely on the hardware, but Ubuntu’s general speed is almost the same as that of traditional OS. Therefore, there is not much difference between the two regarding speed.
Application review: Which distribution to use Ubuntu or CentOS
If you are a beginner:
- As we said earlier, Ubuntu is the best distribution for beginners. It provides a more extensive repository of free tutorials and has a more active and significant community than its predecessor. This means that thousands of users in online forums help you get answers to your questions sooner.
- The desktop version of Ubuntu is much more prevalent among home users than other Linux distributions. Also, Ubuntu virtual servers are easier for people who have used the desktop version of this distribution before.
If you are a business owner:
The answer to this question depends on your needs, but if you are looking for the best distribution for your company’s website or internal servers, it is better to use Traditional OS because
- Traditional OS is more stable and secure than Ubuntu. Since software updates are less frequent in Traditional OS than in Ubuntu, you can use software for longer periods and only use the released safe versions.
- It is better to know that popular control panels such as Direct Admin and cPanel have introduced Cent OS distribution as their primary test and distribution operating system and the central suggested platform. Therefore, using the CentOS distribution for your dedicated and virtual servers is better if you have a hosting company or work with different people at a website design company.
The last word
The Linux operating system has many distributions, but two distributions, Ubuntu and Cent OS, are among the most popular versions of Linux. For this reason, in this article, we tried to discuss the features and differences between Ubuntu and traditional OS and, finally, the use of each.