What is React Javascript? and why should you learn it?

Everything you need to know about Sea React! React JS is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries in web development (front-end programming  ). Many large corporations and start-ups use this library. React has many features and benefits that make it a…
Hummingbird Algorithm

What is Google Hummingbird Algorithm? 2021 guide!

Google Hummingbird Algorithm Google’s algorithms are always changing or revising, and each step follows one or more destinations. Users have always attempted to optimize the algorithms to show the best results for a better examination. On…
SEO Plugins for Google Chrome

17 Best SEO Plugins for Google Chrome

Many SEO plugins for Google Chrome allow users to check the SEO of various websites with just one click. This article will introduce 17 of the best Google Chrome plugins for SEO. 1- GrowthBar GrowthBar…
content marketing

What is content marketing? (2021 Guide!)

Content marketing aims to increase the business’s reputation and sales by providing content to the audience. The content is not just an “article,” and in addition to the “site,” there are other channels to deliver…

Are Gmail ads Fading?

Have you ever encountered ads in Gmail? Did you know that Gmail sponsorship ads are changing? In December 2020, an item was added to the Google Ads support page in Gmail ads. Google has announced…

What is Google E.A.T and how important is it?

Google always prefers websites that place a lot of emphasis on quality content and have a good E.A.T strategy to other websites. In this article, we will talk in detail about Google’s E.A.T algorithm. On…

Top 6 CSS Frameworks for Web Developement(2021) !

Can you imagine web development without CSS? No! Though CSS worked differently in different browsers and gave us heartaches with ‘what should this go with?’, we still cannot live without CSS and contribute to adding…

What are the Differencess between Stack and Heap !

Programming is a world unto its own as there are plenty of facets and variables to the job. A programmer spends long hours huddled in front of a computer typing out code for web pages,…

How to install plugins in wordpress Full Guide !

How to Install a WordPress Plugin To make it easy, we have created a video tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin that you can watch below. However, if you just want to follow…

4 Most Important and Useful plugins in WordPress !

There are over 55,000+ plugin in the official WordPress plugin repository. That’s, like, a lot. Of course, not all of them receive regular updates and use, but the ones we are going to talk about…