The importance of LCP and its impact on SEO site

One of the most important elements in today’s business is professional websites. If you also decide to launch or upgrade your website, it is better to know factors such as LCP to upgrade these factors…
SEO knowledge

Do you know what SEO knowledge is?

The billboards and advertising tracts that you distribute in the city are no longer very important in today’s world. Today, some companies earn millions of dollars only with the traffic they get from the Google…
banner ads

What are banner ads?

If you go to any popular websites, you can see banner ads. These ads are seen at each site’s top, side, bottom, and middle. Banner ads are usually stimulants that they design with gif files.…
host quality testing

What is host quality testing?

Host quality testing calculates the time based on seconds to send a website loading response. This test examines when a user enters your website address until the website opens. How long it takes for the…

Google Contacts: How to work, backup, restore and all practical tips

First, let’s cover backup the basics. What is Google Contacts, and why does it look so familiar? Google Contacts is a tool that works like a mobile notebook and can be used as a standalone…

The URL Shorteners (13 alternative methods)

Using link shorteners, you can reduce long and difficult URLs to just a few characters with just one click. Anyone who deals with the Internet browser can use link shorteners, such as social media managers,…
store site

Tips on designing a store site

Tips for designing a store site that you should know. Surely you have realized the extraordinary power of the Internet in all areas. These days, you can use the Internet to do whatever you want.…

What is time to interactive( tti ) ?

This factor plays an important role in ranking our site in Google Page Speed ​​Insights. Because on the one hand it is related to the speed of the site and on the other hand it…

What is tbt or Total Blocking Time ?

What is tbt? tbt or Total Blocking Time is one of the factors of Google Core Vital Web that was introduced in 2020. This factor is an important criterion for evaluating and determining our site…

What is CLS ?

When it comes to site speed optimization, it is impossible to forget the three factors of Core Web Vitals; Factors one of the most important of which is cls. But what is cls? cls or…