Windows’ta Chrome tarayıcı önbelleği nasıl temizlenir

Windows’ta Chrome tarayıcı önbelleği nasıl temizlenir   Tarayıcı önbelleği nedir? Tarayıcı önbellekleri, aslında görüntüler gibi önceden taranan dosyaların kopyaları olan geçici dosyalar, kullanıcının İnternet’te daha hızlı gezinmesine yardımcı olur. Örneğin, görüntü önbellekleri bilgisayarda bir sayfada…
How To Remove The Password Of PDF Files?

How To Remove The Password Of PDF Files?

Sometimes PDF Files Are Password Protected, But With Different Methods, You Can Remove The Password Embedded On This Type Of Document. Some PDF files have a password, and you must enter the password whenever you…

Google’ın genel DNS’sinin nasıl kullanılacağını öğrenmek

Google’ın genel DNS’sinin nasıl kullanılacağını öğrenmek   genel DNS’sini kurmak ve kullanmak, web’i kullanma hızını artıracaktır. Bu yazıda, Google’ın genel DNS sunucusunu kullanmak için Windows cihazının ağ ayarlarının nasıl yapılandırılacağını tartışacağız. İlk olarak, bir DNS…

The impact of site security on SEO

Security can be seen as one of the infrastructure issues of websites. As a rule, the low security of the website can cause many problems and issues. In addition, it will have a negative impact…

The impact of site structure on SEO

Implementing a regular structure on the site is one of the most important and effective things in SEO. In fact, we have to implement the structure of the site in such a way that the…

What kind of content is ranked in Google?

There are many sites where, despite the high volume of content production, the content published in Google does not have a good or favorable ranking or is not at the level of expectations. You should…

Methods of verifying content ownership to Google

One of the concerns that webmasters usually have is the loss of their rights due to other sites copying their site, and sometimes the copying sites get a better rank than them in Google results.…
What Is Antivirus And How Does It Work?

What Is Antivirus And How Does It Work?

Antivirus Is Considered One Of The Most Important Computer Software; Many Users And Experts Consider Its Use Mandatory. You are probably familiar with the term antivirus and antivirus software since your first days working with…
SEO site

Important points in SEO site

Among the hundreds of SEO site rules and guidelines, some of which are considered valid and effective and some of which are not valid, in this article, we will point out the items and tips…

Choosing keywords for site pages

Usually, when we intend to create a page on the website, we consider a series of keywords so that it can attract input from Google or other search engines to the site. We must keep…