Introducing BitDefender Antivirus

BitDefender 2020 is made by Romanian companies that work with a complete team in site security and antivirus. Most consumers start with the free version of BitDefender Antivirus because it is simple software for Windows…
comparison between flutter Vs React-Native

Comparison between Flutter and React Native!

Do you want to create a modern, fast, and efficient mobile application? So, you are probably familiar with the two frameworks, Flutter and React Native. But what is the difference between them? Which one is…
spam link

What is a spam link?

Do you know what a spam link is? Has it ever occurred to you that you were redirected to a page unrelated to a post by clicking on a link in the text of a…

Best website builders 2022

One of the smartest ways to start an online business is by using a site builder. Website builders enable you to create and design a professional website exactly as you envision it, without the need…
Choosing the best host for WordPress websites !

Choosing the best host for WordPress websites !

WordPress is the fastest way to build a website, but hundreds of companies offer services that may all seem similar at first glance before you get started. But their features are not the same, and there…
React JS

What is React Js? and why should you learn it?

React JS is one of web development’s most popular JavaScript libraries (front-end programming  ). Many large corporations and start-ups use this library. React has many features and benefits that make it a better choice than other libraries and other frameworks such…
6 css framework for Web Development

Top 6 CSS Frameworks for Web Developement(2021) !

Can you imagine web development without CSS? No! Although CSS used to work differently in various browsers and often caused us headaches when we wondered, “What will this style pair well with?” We still can’t live…
WordPress plugin

How to install plugins in wordpress Full Guide !

How to Install a WordPress Plugin To make it easy, we have created a video tutorial on installing a plugin that you can watch below. However, if you just want to follow text instructions, you…

4 Most Important and Useful plugins in WordPress !

There are over 55,000+ plugin in the official WordPress plugin repository. That’s, like, a lot. Of course, not all of them receive regular updates and use, but the ones we are going to talk about…

8 things you have to know about Cisco

Cisco Systems is an IT and networking brand that specializes in switches, routers, cybersecurity, and IoT. Its logo seems to be on every office telephone or conference hardware. Although Cisco is a popular, well-known organization,…