Teaching the principles of SEO and its common terms
Teaching SEO basics refers to techniques that rank the website in search engine results (SERP). In other words, the website is visible to users looking for its content through search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, MSN, etc. Teaching the principles of SEO can increase SEO skills in marketing. Search engine marketing, or SEM, is a term used to describe online marketing strategies. Applying advanced SEO techniques significantly affects achieving marketing goals and finding potential customers.
Website optimization terms
SEO content is a term mentioned in all SEO principles training courses and is one of the most used and main techniques in website optimization. Content production must follow certain rules to rank website pages in search engines. The use of keywords, the density of keywords, combining text and photos, and not copying from other websites are among the things that should be considered in creating website content. Traffic is another term used in SEO, which means the number of visitors and online users of a website. Organic traffic refers to the number of visitors who enter the website through natural search.
Website Traffic
One of the important components of SEO is choosing the right keywords for content creation. Choosing long-tail keywords makes it easier to rank in search engines. These phrases contain three or more keywords and target an audience looking for a specific topic. Although the number of people searching for this keyword is far less than the number of users who type shoe stores into search engines. However, long-tail keyword searchers are ready to buy and will go through the funnel stages. In other words, when using long-tail keywords, the conversion rate of visitors to customers will increase.
Search engines
One of the terms that you may have heard many times when teaching SEO principles is a search engine. Search engines scan all the web pages in the online world and collect all the information on these pages. Indexing is a term used for crawling search engines on a website, scanning the content of pages, and storing their information.
The term “Crawl” is used by search engine robots to examine the content of website pages through predetermined algorithms. When users type a word or phrase into search engines, the most relevant web pages will be listed for them. Algorithms are programming and calculations that search engines use to find the most relevant websites for a user’s search term.
Algorithms do all the activities of search engines. There are three basic elements in all algorithms: rank, website credibility, and relevance of results. The term rank refers to a website’s position on the search results page. The rank indicates how relevant the website is to the words typed by the user.
The relevance of the results is one of the most important elements of SEO. In addition to looking for the words that users search for online, search engines also consider clues to determine how relevant the content is to the search terms and thus rank websites. The ranking is the placement of website pages in the order of relevance and best content on the search engine results page.
Search engine results
SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page. When online users type words into Google or other search engines, a results page will open, showing at least ten sites. The user can see the following pages at the bottom of the first results page, and all displayed websites are called (SERP). Organic results are a list of websites that are displayed based on the algorithm of search engines.
Paid Results mean placing websites at the top or bottom of search engine results on pages. Paid results are displayed as paid ads. Organic search is another term used in search engine SEO. This means the user found the site through search engines, not advertisements, links, and banners on other sites.
Internal SEO terms
Learning its terms and strategies is very important in teaching SEO principles. SEO strategies are divided into two categories: internal and external SEO. Internal SEO is all the activities people can control on each page of their website, and thus search engines find the topic and content of the website.
Some of the activities that are done in internal SEO are SEO content, URL structure, proper images, title tags, and meta tags. Heading tags make the text larger than words on the page and are made up of HTML code. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. A standardized code for tagging text files and formatting fonts, colors, and links on website pages.
External SEO terms
In most cases, external SEO is related to links outside the website through which users find the desired content. Off-page SEO requires creating the right content and linking to other reputable websites. Link building is a widely used term in external SEO and means exchanging links with other websites.
It matters to search engines what websites link to and how the content produced is shared on social networks and across the web. Reciprocal link is external SEO means placing a link on your website. The other website will place a link from the content of your pages on their website. Follow and No Follow links are links that instruct the robot to follow the link or ignore the link and pass it.
The term Anchor Text (Anchor Text) links the website’s internal pages to each other or other websites to the internal content. Anchor texts are phrases in the body of the text, and users will access the pages related to the specified phrase by clicking on them. In other words, anchor text is the website content linked to another web page. Anchor texts usually direct the user to pages where word definitions and direct explanations are written about that topic.
Website SEO terms for mobile
One of the topics of teaching SEO principles is optimizing the website for display on mobile phones and tablets. The term AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Page, which means speeding up the display of pages on mobile. This feature prevents some Java and Android codes from running when the website page is loaded on a mobile phone. Therefore, website pages will open faster on mobile. In addition, by reducing the number of server requests, the speed of opening websites on mobile and other online devices increases.