What is CryptoKitties?

  What is cryptocurrency? Just a few days after the release of Cryptocurrencies, users traded just over $ 1 million in the game. CryptoKitties is a collectible breeding game that allows users to collect funny…

Ethereum Name Selection Service (ENS): Send your name instead of wallet address

ENS, or Ethereum Name Service, is a decentralized application (Dapp) that allows users to convert long, hard URLs into short, legible URLs. In this article, we will first explain what ENS is, or the domain…

What are the differences between DeFi & CeFi?

While some industry experts and analysts believe that Defi will eventually take over CeFi, it is too early to be sure about such claims. In this article, we have discussed some of the key differences…

ERC20 & ERC721: How Do They Work?

An ERC20 token is a smart contract with code that respects the ERC20 standard. Practically, this means that the functions of the smart contract respect the interface defined in the ERC20 standard. Ethereum tokens became…

Top 3 Ways Crypto Companies Are Helping Fight Coronavirus

The COVID-19 outbreak is changing the way the world operates. As people around the globe stay at home to slow the virus’s spread, many aspects of everyday life evolve to facilitate health and safety guidelines.…

Introducing Tether and everything you need to know about it!

Tether or USDT is a fixed price digital currency (Stable coin) that protects people’s capital against currency market fluctuations. In this article, we are going to examine Tether currency in full, so stay tuned until…
Trust wallet

Introducing Trust wallet

Trust wallet is one of the great wallets in the field of digital currencies, which is very useful and efficient for any person acting in this field. Trust Wallet is a mobile application that allows…

What You Need To Know About Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) seem to have exploded out of the ether this year. From art and music to tacos and toilet paper, these digital assets are selling like 17th-century exotic Dutch tulips—some for millions of…
Ethereum Classic

What Is Ethereum Classic?

Ethereum Classic is a computing platform built from the original Ethereum code. On the other hand, Ethereum is an open-source blockchain platform that pioneered smart contracts, but its protocol was changed in 2016 after a…
Bitcoin cash

What is Bitcoin Cash and how does BCH work?

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a proof-of-work blockchain network and cryptocurrency that’s faster and cheaper to use than Bitcoin (BTC). The asset was created via a hard fork of the Bitcoin blockchain network and has since…