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Important Reasons for Use CentOs7

When you’re considering which Operating System to use for web hosting. So there are many options available to you. We’re going to discuss Important reasons you should choose CentOs7 and the strengths of the platform. CentOs7 has been the Linux distribution in the hosting industry. For many years, and it was only recently that it surpassed this distribution by Ubuntu Server as the main operating system used for web hosting.

Reasons for using CentOs7

  •  Security
  • Extended Support
  • Package Management
  • A Wealth of Documentation
  •  Management Panel Support

Security of CentOs7

In today’s world, security is the important concern that comes to mind and CentOS7 has multiple security features built-in.In addition One of the ways CentOS7 helps to protect you from cyber-attacks is by utilizing Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux).

Also, SELinux is an access control mechanism that can enforce rules on processes and files, based on policies that you define. One of the most beneficial features is that it reduces vulnerabilities on privilege escalation attacks; If a process is compromised, the attacker will only have access to the normal functions of the process. Because CentOS7 is more secure out of the box. CentOS regularly pulls backports (or updates) directly from RedHat and pushes those nightly updates out quickly.

Extended Support for CentOs7

One thing that’s important to remember for anyone running an application in production is stability. And support for the platform.If your application is expected to last 7 years and the operating system will only be updated for the next 4 years. So You will face security issues after the end of the operating system life.

With CentOS, original versions are supported for 10 years and receive security updates as needed. CentOS 7 was released on July 7, 2014, and is supported until June 30, 2024. CentOS uses a very stable (and oftentimes more mature) version of its software. And because the process is long, programs do not need to be updated frequently. This allows for developers and major corporations who utilize it to save money as it decreases costs associated with additional development time. Fewer upgrades also mean less time downtime for updates. CentOS also supports nearly all hardware forms on the market today, including support for older hardware types. This allows users to maintain a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) when considering long-term use, including the cost for hardware maintenance.

Package Management

Adding on to the advantages of extended support, if you have an application or site in production, you don’t want it to change or have the packages updated when you need to run a specific version. CentOS uses the YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) package manager to keep your system up to date.

This makes the operating system very modular meaning, you can easily add and remove features as you’d like. CentOS7 has a lot of applications and can configure almost any type of task. The wide variety of software titles allows it to function as a database server, mail server, web server, application server, file server, FTP server proxy server. And the list goes on and on. If you need to set up a broad-based system. That can handle a single task or a wide array of functionalities, CentOS7 fits the bill. Modern versions of CentOS are also able to take advantage of the latest containerization, virtualization and Micro Services platforms such as Docker and Kubernetes. Because these technologies derived their support directly from RedHat’s OpenShift platform.

A Plenty of Documentation

CentOS7 is widely used as a web hosting platform worldwide. Another of the benefits of its wide use is the amount of information and documentation available for it. There is a broad community of developers and users who share intelligence and other issues regularly increasing its overall value as a preferred OS. There are multiple avenues of instruction including forums and sites that have guides about setting up and configuring CentOS properly.

Management Panel Support of  CentOs7

Lastly, CentOS7 can support multiple management platforms including cPanel, InterWorx, WebMin, DirectAdmin, Spacewalk, CWP, Plesk, ISPConfig, Virtualmin, Vesta CP. And multiple other platforms. These management panels make it easy to host multiple sites on your server as well as keep all the core processes and server procedures easily managed. You can set up email, websites, FTP access, and many other functions for users on your server with an easy-to-use web interface. These panels allow for complete management of all the complex tasks associated with server management. With only a couple of clicks. With features like backup management, and software installation (e.g. WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.) DNS, backup, network, databases and additional security features like CSF firewall, brute force protection, and virus scanning to name just a few!

These are only a few of the benefits that CentOS can provide a server owner!


Do you still have questions about the benefits of using CentOS ? Ask support sites to provide more information about this and other hosting information, especially the ones discussed in this article, and finally we hope you enjoy reading this article and add to your knowledge.