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How To Learn Node.Js As A Beginner? What Is The Benefit Of Learning Node.Js?

Like Many Technologies, Node.Js Has Its Pros And Cons. But There Is No Denying That It Is Widely Used By Major Websites Such As Uber, Linkedin, And Paypal.

If you are planning to enter the world of web programming and you want to find an excellent job in this field, you should consider this technology as your trump card when preparing your resume.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment written in JavaScript. This engine is based on the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine, parsing and executing JavaScript code. Node uses an event-based, non-blocking I / O model that makes request processing faster and smoother. This programming model is one of the main reasons for Node’s popularity.

Node is the best option for building software and applications that require synchronous interactions, such as chat programs and websites. However, it has other uses and benefits that have made it popular with developers.

Five benefits of learning Node.js

If you are interested in front-end or back-end programming, we suggest you do not miss out on learning Node.js. The benefits of learning Node.Js include the following:

1. Easy to learn

  • Node is written in JavaScript. JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages, and almost every developer is familiar with it. Therefore, learning Node requires less effort and time, even for a new programmer entering the world of JavaScript.

2. Full Stack js

  • Mastering Node.JS is one of the most critical factors that will make you confidently introduce yourself as a full-stack developer. In the web world, a full-stack developer is an individual who masters all aspects of web application development. Front-end development, back-end development, database management, etc., are some areas that you should have complete control over. Before Node, full-stack developers had to learn several languages. With Node, you need to know JavaScript to write frontend and backend web applications without any problems.

3. Market demand

  • Demand is high for full-stock developers, and we see more job opportunities that require Node skills. Adding Node.js to your resume is a great way to expand your career opportunities as a full-stack developer. In addition, a full-stack developer is well paid. The average Node.js developer earns an average of $ 100,000 a year.

4. Freedom in building applications

  • Unlike Ruby on Rails, which imposes guidelines and rules for software development, Node provides more freedom in building applications. Installing Node requires minimum requirements and allows you to build everything from scratch with minimal restrictions.

5. Active community

  • Node.js has an open-source framework with a very active and vibrant community of developers who are constantly involved in improving it. It makes learning more straightforward because you have access to multiple solutions at each stage of development.

How to learn Node.js?

If you think learning Node.js might be your next step in your career advancement, here are some tips to get you started.

1. Learn JavaScript

  • Node is written in JavaScript, so you should start by learning JavaScript. It means understanding boundaries, functions, closures, module patterns, classes, promises, calls, strings, numbers, arrays, objects, sets, and maps.

2. Understand why it is called Node

  • When you know why the above technology is called Node, you will better understand how it works. This technology is called Node because it builds simple single-process blocks called nodes. These nodes can be organized with suitable network protocols to communicate with each other and extended to build large distributed applications.

3. Understand the concept of non-blocking in the Node

  • It is the main feature of Node. You need to know how input/output operations in the Node are performed asynchronously, and the code works based on a non-blocking pattern.

4. Learn the concept of event ring

  • There is a Stack, a Queue, or a Heap. In a loop, the queue is associated with consecutive messages, and when a message is received, a reply is sent to that message. I suggest checking out the Carbon Five blog for more information on this process and a clear ring picture.

5. Increase your knowledge of global variables

  • Type global in Node REPL (read-eval-print loop) to see all options. In this case, you will see JavaScript, Node library functions, and global Node objects. Seek to increase your knowledge of the various things in the Node.

Learn how to use Node libraries

  • You can use libraries to run a TCP server and application sockets using the “net,” read/write files with “fs,” or run a ready-made web server with “HTTP” and more. duties

7. Focus on coding with Node

  • Seek knowledge in connection with frameworks like “Express” and try to learn coding with these frameworks. It will help you do more structured coding and complete the software modules in less time.

8. Write a web application on Node without using any framework

  • If possible, write the required modules yourself to ensure there will be no inconsistencies in your project in the future. It is a great way to get the word out that you are writing a project without using a framework.

Resources available to learn Node.js

When learning Node, you have to program 90% of the time, and to be more precise, think of practical work instead of just theory. To achieve this, you need efficient training resources to provide your information. Accordingly, here are some valuable resources that provide you with exciting details. The items we mentioned are just the starting point.

  • Courses: Node courses provide you with the information you need in various ways, depending on your level of proficiency. Online courses are similar to those based on which schools transmit knowledge to students.
  • Videos: Exploring documents can be daunting when you’re new to Node, so finding videos to learn maybe a better place to start. The best choice in this regard is YouTube.
  • E-books: There are many online books to learn about Node. Our suggestion is to go further to the textbooks intended for beginners.
  • Educational Articles: Another example of academic content that provides interesting information is scholarly articles. Typically, this model of articles opens a specific topic and then provides the necessary information to the audience by giving examples.
  • Boot Camps: Another way to increase your knowledge is to participate in Node.js cod boot camps, which teach this technology as part of the MEAN stack.
  • Blogs: Blogs can help you learn Node.js and keep abreast of changes to new posts. One of the best in this field is the Node.js blog.
  • Framework: Once you have the basics of Node.JS, you should be able to look at the application framework. One of these is LoopBack.

last word

  • If you want to start or upgrade your career in the web world, learning Node.JS is the best choice. If you can devote enough time to learning this technology, you will achieve good profitability in the long run.