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Windows 11

How To Check If Windows 11 Can Be Installed On Our System?

One Of The Most Important Questions That Users Ask These Days Is Whether Windows 11 Will Be Installed On Our System And, More Importantly, Whether Our System Hardware Can Support The Capabilities Of Windows 11 Or Not?

Windows 11 is not compatible with older computers compared to previous Windows 11 and may not support some computer devices such as CPUs. However, after the unveiling of Windows 11, Microsoft released a new PC Health Check tool that lets you make sure that Windows 11 can be installed on your system.

Accordingly, Microsoft has released a PC Health Check tool that can evaluate the hardware installed on the systems.

To download and install the above tools, refer to this address so that you can rest easy in this field. The important thing to note is some of the hardware components that the motherboard must support. Among these components, the following should be mentioned:

One of the most important and controversial components is TPM 2.0, which Windows 11 desperately needs. 

Windows 11 can only be installed on computers with TPM on them, so it is impossible to install it on systems that do not have this chip.

However, it looks like Microsoft will be a little more flexible in the future, allowing Windows 11 to be installed on systems without the chip under certain conditions.

In addition, you do not need to have the above chip to be able to install Windows 11 on your system. For example, if the processor on the system is from the seventh generation of Intel, even though it has a TPM 2.0 chip, Windows 11 does not support it.

For example, Intel i7 6700 core processors in both desktop and laptop versions can not support Windows 11. As a result, users will not be able to install the new Microsoft operating system on their computers at the time of writing.

Statistics show that more than two-thirds of current computers can not experience the new Microsoft operating system, even if Windows 10 is on their system. The only way forward is to upgrade the hardware.

Accordingly, MSPowerUser has released a tool for users to check their PCs and make sure that Windows 11 is compatible with their hardware. This tool, called WhyNotWin11, evaluates users’ systems to determine why their computer cannot install Windows 11. This tool is free of address gateway is available from this address.

When you install the above tool, it quickly scans the system hardware and provides a report.

 For example, as you can see in the image above, the Secure Boot feature, the partition type, and the boot method need to be addressed, but the CPU compatibility is in doubt. However, as mentioned, many users will have to think about hardware upgrades to make the system compatible with Windows 11.

Interestingly, none of the older eighth-generation processors, such as Coffee Lake, can run Windows 11. To be more precise, not all sixth- and seventh-generation processors in the current list of Intel CPUs are the same.

For example, processors such as the Core i7-7700K, Core i7-7700HQ, and Core i7-6700K, which were Intel bestsellers and are found on most PCs and laptops, have not been included with Windows 11.

Therefore, it remains to be seen whether Microsoft will offer a solution or whether some users of the Windows ecosystem would prefer to stay one step behind and use the same Windows 11.

However, experience has shown that until the official release of Windows 11, solutions will be devised to circumvent these restrictions. For information on Windows 11-supported processors, visit mspoweruser See.