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Training On Troubleshooting And Solving The Problem Of Not Connecting To The Wi-Fi Network

Wi-Fi Network, Troubleshooting And Solving The Problem Of Not Connecting To It

Wi-Fi Network, When You Intend To Use  The Internet Is A Bitter Experience That Can Be Very Annoying. But By Applying Some Common Troubleshooting Techniques That Follow, You Can Easily Get Rid Of The Trouble Of Not Connecting To WiFi.

In this article, we will provide solutions to check and solve the problem of not connecting to WiFi in all systems, teach how to fix the problem of not connecting to the WiFi modem and troubleshoot the phone’s hotspot. Not being able to connect to WiFi bothers many users and may affect their performance, especially if you are in the middle of a classroom or a business meeting. Therefore, in the continuation of this article, we have introduced some standard troubleshooting techniques for the problem of not connecting to WiFi, which can help you in critical situations.

Suppose you are facing the problem of not connecting to WiFi in Windows 7 or Windows 10 and are wondering how to fix the problem of not connecting to a WiFi modem. In that case, it is better not to miss the continuation of the following article.

Don’t forget that the reason for the laptop not connecting to WiFi or the smartphone to WiFi can be very trivial cases that can be easily solved by spending a few minutes reading the current article.
The problem of not connecting to WiFi can happen to everyone, so it is necessary to be able to diagnose and fix the problem of not connecting to WiFi, which can include modems, routers, or hotspots. In the following, you can learn the main reasons for not connecting to WiFi and how to fix them.

Check and re-enter the WiFi password.

To connect to most WiFi routers, a password is required, chosen by the router’s owner. You cannot link to the network if there is even one wrong character in the password. Don’t forget that the most important thing to do after you can’t connect to WiFi in Windows 10 (or any other version) in the first place is to check if the password you entered is correct.

The problem of not connecting to Wi-Fi in Windows 7

Checking the presence of  the login screen in  the Wi-Fi Network

Some businesses, such as hotels and restaurants, offer an open WiFi network. To use the Internet, you must enter the login page and enter a specific username and password that you receive from the administration.
If you are connected to a WiFi network but do not have Internet access, open your browser and enter the address of a website. After that, you will be automatically directed to the login page, and you can enter the desired username and password.

Restart the connected devices.

If you are still having trouble connecting to WiFi, you can restart your phone or laptop. Rebooting a smart gadget works in many cases. Some reasons for not connecting the phone to WiFi or any device, in general, are software problems and remaining in some program repetition loops, resolved by actions such as restarting the operating system.
Re-runs when software and device settings are restarted. After the reboot, try to connect again via WiFi. If the problem of not connecting to WiFi persists, go to the next option.

The problem of not connecting to Wi-Fi in Windows 7

Remove the WiFi network and try again.

Another solution is to not connect to WiFi, remove that network from the phone and reconnect. To do this, select the name of the WiFi network you want to connect to from your smartphone, then select the Delete or Forget option. Of course, the way to do this is different depending on the device you are using. After that, scan the networks and try to connect to WiFi again. This technique is beneficial when the router has changed its WiFi settings.

Restart your modem

If the problem of connecting to WiFi remains, you should seek a professional solution to fix the problem. In this situation, of course, you can restart the modem and check again if the problem is solved or not. Rebooting can fix various problems caused by modem firmware errors. Just be aware that restarting the modem may temporarily cut off other users’ access to the Internet. Therefore, it is better to be careful in this work.

Checking modem access to the Internet

Checking the modem’s access to the Internet to solve the problem of not connecting to WiFi

If you are connected to your WiFi but still do not have access to the Internet, the problem could be related to the modem’s Internet outage. To do this, first, check for an internet outage in your area. If there is no outage, restart your modem and check the cables connected to it and the lights on the modem.  When not connected to WiFi, some old modems or modems installed on lines with high interruptions may not be able to show stable performance.

Checking the compatibility of WiFi settings with your device

Many older devices are incompatible with the new WiFi security standards, and you should use older security settings for your router. Some older phones only support the WEP security protocol and are incompatible with more recent standards such as WPA or WPA2.

Try a different frequency band.

New WiFi modems support two frequency bands of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Some routers automatically move connected devices to a higher frequency band, but some modems have a different SSID for each frequency.  The 5 GHz frequency band has a higher speed but a shorter range than the 2.4 GHz connection. Therefore, if you have problems receiving a signal, see which frequency band you are connected to solve the problem of not connecting to WiFi.

Not connecting to Wi-Fi in Windows 10 - the reason why the laptop does not connect to Wi-Fi

Check the distance and interference of the waves.

A weak signal can also cause the problem of connecting to WiFi. You can move closer to the router or use a giant antenna and a more powerful router. Also, using a WiFi repeater is a good solution. Also, the interference of waves with other modems should not be neglected. To do this, turn off other devices or set your WiFi to a specific channel. Using this technique, you can somewhat solve the problem of not connecting to WiFi.

Try another WiFi device.

As another solution, see if you can connect to the same WiFi with another device. If the answer is yes, the problem is probably with your device. It is also possible that the WiFi network card of your system is broken or their drivers are not updated.

The problem of not connecting to Wi-Fi in Windows 7 - not connecting the phone to the hidden Wi-Fi

Try updating your WiFi network card driver.

Updating your wireless network card driver is better if you use a laptop or computer. To update the driver in Windows, you need to download the latest driver for your network card from the manufacturer’s website. After updating the driver, restarting your computer and trying to connect to the network again is better.

To solve the problem of not connecting to WiFi, try a different router.

Finally, if none of these work, your router may be broken. In this case, it is better to get help from an expert. You should probably consider buying a newer model if your router is old. The problem of connecting to WiFi when you try another modem and no result is obtained due to the presence of another device in the environment with frequencies that carry WiFi waves, in which case you should either replace the mentioned device or consider using a wired connection.

Of course, where the problem of not connecting to WiFi has not been solved, there is no solution except to abandon the modem and use the Internet using a SIM card or a wired connection isolated from WiFi.

Why does the laptop connect to Wi-Fi but I don't have internet?

How to solve the problem of connecting a laptop to WiFi

One of the significant problems of laptop users is not connecting to the WiFi of this device. Today, the most common way to connect a laptop to the Internet is to use WiFi networks. This type of connection does not require wires and cables, and it is possible to connect to the global Internet just by activating the wireless laptop and communicating with the modem or network provider.

However, it can be seen that if the Internet is available, the laptop’s WiFi does not connect to the desired network. In this situation, why the computer does not relate to WiFi arises. Note that not connecting to WiFi can happen on any laptop model.

Usually, the reason for the laptop not connecting to WiFi is rooted in the device’s settings or a malfunction in the software system. In the first step, check if the WiFi system is turned on to prevent this problem. Also, if the flight mode of the laptop is turned on, the communication of the device, including its WiFi, will be turned off. Some laptop models also have a physical switch to control not connecting to WiFi.  The lack of WiFi driver installation is another reason for not connecting to WiFi. The first and best solution for not connecting to WiFi, which does not bother you much, is to restart the laptop.

Fortunately, for the problem of not connecting to WiFi in Windows 7, Troubleshooting can automatically find and fix any software problems.  If there is still the problem of not connecting to WiFi in Windows 7, it is better to check the IP of your system or use Command Prompt commands.

Why does the phone not connect to Wi-Fi?

Solving the problem of connecting the phone to the WiFi

The use of smartphones has made people so dependent on the Internet that the issue of connecting to WiFi can be excruciating. Imagine being unable to access the Internet at a critical moment to do banking, shop, call medical centers, or get information from accident victims.

It will be a frustrating moment, and if you can’t discover why the phone is not connecting to WiFi and quickly fix the problem of not connecting to WiFi and the Internet, you may face serious problems. Most mobile phones work with two central operating systems, Android and iOS. Although many phone settings and how to connect to the Internet are similar in both operating systems.

If the Android phone does not connect to WiFi or the phone does not connect to the hidden WiFi, check the phone settings first to ensure the Internet is on. Next, make sure the WiFi is on and check the flight mode. After that, go to Battery Saver mode and turn it off.

After that, check Bluetooth and turn off the Smart Network Switch option. You can also update the phone’s operating system and review the newly installed applications that do not block the WiFi connection. Consider restarting the phone and modem and returning them to factory settings as the last solution, and if the problem is not solved, seek help from experts.

Why is the Wi-Fi modem name not found in the phone?

Fixing problems related to not finding the WiFi name on the phone

Many users have experienced issues with being seen and not connecting to their home or company’s WiFi modem. If you do not find the desired network name in your phone’s WiFi network search section, consider the solutions for not connecting to WiFi described below.

In many cases, users do not turn on WiFi in their phones and therefore do not see the desired SSID. Check this issue by dragging the toolbar down or in your phone’s WiFi settings to ensure your phone’s WiFi is turned on. Another thing that can be checked in the phone settings is whether Airplane Mode is turned on or off. If the flight mode is on, all connections, including the WiFi connection of the smartphone, will be disconnected.

So make sure your phone is not in airplane mode.

Many people try to hide the WiFi name or SSID in their modem settings to improve the security of their WiFi modem and then forget about it. For this reason, after searching for connecting to WiFi, the modem faces the problem of not connecting to WiFi.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the SSID is not hidden by referring to the modem settings through a device connected to WiFi or by clicking the modem to the computer using a cable and entering the modem management panel.

You can also use the WiFi Analyzer software to find out how many users your network has and use a private network if necessary. If your WiFi signal is good, go to the settings section of the phone, touch the modem name for a few seconds, and click the Forget option. Then re-enter your username and password.
Also, check the modem settings and make sure  Mac Filtering is not enabled in your modem. This feature does not allow your phone to access the modem.

Summary and answers to frequently asked questions

The problem of connecting to WiFi is one of the bitter and painful problems that sometimes bring irreparable consequences for users. In this article, an attempt was made to investigate standard troubleshooting techniques for the problem of not connecting to WiFi in smartphones and computers. Some simple and practical solutions for not connecting to WiFi were presented.

Why does the laptop connect to WiFi, but I don’t have Internet?

Usually, the reason for the laptop not connecting to WiFi is rooted in the device’s settings or a malfunction in the software system. The lack of WiFi driver installation is another reason for not connecting to WiFi.

Why does the phone not connect to WiFi?

There are many reasons why the phone does not connect to WiFi, and if the Android phone does not relate to WiFi, you must first check the phone’s settings, then make sure that WiFi is turned on and, check the flight mode, then turn on Bluetooth. Finally, consider restarting the phone and modem and returning them to factory settings as the last solution.

Why is the WiFi modem name not found on the phone?

Usually, many people try to hide the WiFi name or the SSID in their modem settings to improve the security of their WiFi modem and then forget about this issue, which makes connecting to WiFi difficult.

Why can’t I connect to WiFi with the correct password?

Not connecting to WiFi despite having a password can be explained for several reasons. In the modem settings, your system may be prohibited from accessing WiFi, or your network card does not support the modem frequency band.

Why doesn’t my computer have a WiFi option?

The failure to display the WiFi option on the computer can have different reasons. Not having a network card, not installing WiFi drivers, turning off the WiFi function, etc., will cause the WiFi option not to be displayed in your system.