Everything you need to know about Web Hosting and Domains

Every person or company that decides to design a website comes across the site’s two basic needs, i.e., hosting and Domain, which must be selected and purchased for the site. In other words, the first…

What is the Concept of Semantic Web

The Semantic Web is presented and led by the World Wide Web Consortium W3C. In the conceptual web, website owners are encouraged to include semantic content in their web pages to make them more functional…

What is WordPress Content Management System ?

WordPress is a free, versatile, and accessible content management system that allows small and large businesses to develop websites. WordPress is one of the best content management systems in the world due to its numerous…

How to Speed Up Your Internet Connection by Changing DNS

The Domain Name System, or DNS for short, is a naming system for computers and other devices connected to the Internet or a local area network. When you plan to visit a website, you must…

What Is a Website Security Certificate?

Security in information transmission is important for all Internet users as well as personal websites and business sites. Users want to be sure that the site they are landing on is what it claims to…

The Best Website Design Software of 2022

If you are new to website design, you should first know which website design software is worth investing in, and learning, as well as what are the essential skills that every website designer needs. Choosing…

A Complete Guide and List of HTTP Status Codes

While surfing and browsing different web pages, we may come across pages that give you a message with a number. The most famous of these messages is 404 Not Found, most of you are familiar…

What is an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and How does it work?

What is an Internet Service Provider (ISP), and How does it work? The word ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. Although the concept of ISP still exists, ISP companies are practically non-existent. We all knew…

What are the Differences between Intranet and Extranet networks?

For a better understanding of Intranet and extranet, it is better first to give a general explanation about the reason for their original creation and their connection with the Internet. As you know, the Internet…

Setting up a VPN Server is an Ideal Solution to Protect Computer Networks

If until a few years ago, working with a computer was considered a fantastic skill, today it is rare to find anyone who cannot do their daily tasks with their personal computer without any problems.…