What is a Content Distribution Network or CDN?

What is a Content Distribution Network or CDN? A content distribution network (CDN) is a network of proxy servers located in different geographical areas with their data centers (data centers). These networks intend to distribute…

What is Information and Communication Technology (ICT)?

What is Information and Communication Technology (ICT)? Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in English: Information and communications technology. It is an extended term of information technology (IT) that concentrates on the integrated function of communication…

What is Firmware?

What is a Firmware computer program? Firmware is a type of computer program in electronic and computing systems that delivers low-level control over the Hardware of a unique device. Hardware can be a standard operating…

What is the difference between malware, spyware, virus, worm,…؟?

What is the distinction between malware, spyware, virus, worm,..؟? Many PC users believe malware, viruses, spyware, adware, worms, trojans, and so on to be one thing. Although all of these infections harm our computers, it…

Acquaintance with the most dangerous Android viruses

Acquaintance with the most dangerous Android viruses What are the most dangerous viruses in Android? How can we get rid of these viruses? Viruses have been recognized as agents and have always been associated with…

How to check GPU temperature?

The GPU may overheat during gaming. In these circumstances, there is no problem with increasing the GPU temperature to a specific extent. In this article, you will learn how to check the GPU temperature level.…

How to upgrading Hardware and speeding up old computers

How to upgrade Hardware and speed up old computers Upgrading individual computer hardware is a widespread activity among users and imposes lower costs on them than buying a new system. Upgrading a personal computer is…

RAM vs. VRAM; What is the difference between these two types of memory?

RAM versus VRAM; What is the distinction between these two kinds of memory? If you’ve been into creating PCs, you’ve assumably come across two terms comparable to RAM and VRAM. What do these terms mean…

Some Features of Android 12 that you should know

In Android 12, we notice beautiful visual changes such as dynamic themes to enhance gaming elements and increase privacy. In this article, we present these credentials. And In Android 12, visual updates such as the…

Android collects 20 times more Data to google than IOS

Android collects 20 times more Data to google than IOS The effects of a safety analysis study show that the data that Android transmits to Google is 20 times more than the data that iOS…