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SEO tools

Classification of SEO tools based on the type of function

Ranking your website in search engines can be a big task, especially when you don’t fully understand the types of SEO tools and when to use each one. Search Engine Optimization (or “SEO” for short) is one digital marketing tactic many people are looking for information on.

In this article, we will introduce you to different website SEO tools, what tools are needed to develop each type, which type of SEO you should ignore for now, which one you should pay more attention to, and which you should invest more in.

Why should we use SEO tools?

The usefulness of SEO tools cannot be denied. However, they are only as good as the data they are built upon. Using reliable and easy SEO tools can help strengthen the organization’s SEO strategy. It will give you an idea of ​​your site’s and competitors’ performance. We try to list the compelling reasons why you should use SEO tools.

Review competitor performance

Some SEO tools allow you to look at your competitor’s SEO strategy without crossing ethical lines. For example, you can get an idea of ​​their traffic volume, ranking, and content performance on different platforms.

Save time and money

SEO tools can save you a lot of money and time and let you know where you need to work to improve your business. It creates better quality results through SEO audits.

Find high-converting keywords

SEO tools help you find new keywords that you may not have thought of before.

Track SEO progress

Metrics like traffic and conversions are just as important as rankings. SEO tools will figure this out as your business moves forward.

Types of SEO site tools based on the type of function

By clarifying the importance of using SEO tools, we now want to examine the different types of SEO tools based on the type of function. There are four basic types of divisions for SEO tools, which are mentioned below.

Built-in SEO tools

As the name suggests, internal SEO is an activity that is done directly on the page or site. These activities include optimizing on-site ranking factors such as meta descriptions, keywords, meta titles, images, headers, and more.

What are the SEO tools needed for a successful internal SEO?

1.1. SEO keyword research

After creating a user-friendly website, the most important thing you need to do for your business and website is intensive research for keywords and phrases. Keyword research helps you know exactly what your potential customers search for on Google.

How do you do relevant keyword research?

A basic strategy is to search for a simple word or phrase related to your industry and see what Google comes up with.

More advanced strategies are to use tools that tell you which keywords are driving the most traffic to your website, which are searched for the most, and which have the potential to rank. Including:

  • Keyword Tool & Content Assistant
  • QuestionDB
  • SanityCheck
  • Semrush
  • Webtexttool
  • Can I Rank

1.2. Quality SEO content

After your keyword research, you now know what your potential reader wants to learn on your website. Now, how can you teach them to enjoy it and want to read more on your site? Among the most important SEO tools in the field of content, the following are mentioned:

  • Moz Pro
  • Kerboo

1.3. Internal linking for SEO

Internal linking plays an important role in improving the ranking of the site. They have the power to keep users on your website for hours, read multiple articles on multiple pages, and give Google the impression that you’re providing quality search results. For this, it is better to use SEO site tools in the field of link building:

  • Ahrefs
  • Semrush
  • Link Research Tools
  • Monitor Backlinks
  • AuthoritySpy
  • Majestic SEO
  • Check My Links

1.4 Image SEO Optimization

Images help readers make your content look more appealing and help them understand your point without using too many words. Explanations are made easier with pictures.

Image optimization is one of the SEO tools that every website owner should be aware of and actively use for better SEO results. Among the best SEO tools in the field of image optimization, the following can be mentioned:

  • TinyPNG
  • Imagify

2. External SEO

External SEO is the exact opposite of internal SEO. On-site SEO tools focus on all your SEO activities outside your website. However, whether we are talking about off-page SEO, on-page SEO, or even technical SEO, one thing remains constant: rankings. What can we do outside of our website that can improve your search engine ranking?

2.1. Report writing

Reporting is a content marketing and link-building system that takes place outside any platform you own. The purpose of referral writing is to allow you to drive referral traffic from a website with a higher authority than yours.

Now, the idea is that you add some links to the content you’ve written for the site and drive readers to your site. This method is a good way to get organic traffic, but you don’t need to get traffic from a reputable site. Google automatically assumes your website is great because one of the biggest sites on their server is linking to you for information.

2.2. Competitor research and analysis

Research your competitors to understand their backlink profiles and what websites they link to. These tools will help you find out which websites are reputable in your industry that you may not know about.

  • SEMRush
  • Ahrefs
  • MozBar
  • Similarweb

2.3. Internet advertisement

Besides SEO, there is another type of marketing known as search engine marketing. Although search engine marketing will not give you organic traffic, it will help you get your content on the first page of Google.

3. Technical SEO

Technical SEO has nothing to do with the content of your page. However, it can improve your appearance in organic search results. Most digital marketing beginners confuse tech SEO with black hat SEO. While the goal of technical SEO is to improve the user experience by optimizing the website. Below are some things to consider:

3.1. Site loading time

Visitors no longer have the patience to wait for pages to load. If your web pages take a while to load, visitors will abandon your article and move on to the next website. The average attention span of people is 8 seconds; Therefore, you have less than 8 seconds to prove to them that your web page contains the information they need. The following are useful tools in this field:

  • Google PageSpeed
  • Pingdom
  • URL Compression Test
  • Google Cache Checker
  • GTmetrix

3.2. Mobile site compatibility

Businesses often assume that their visitors only check out from their computers. But this rarely happens. Nowadays, most users check your website on their mobile phones. The following are useful tools in this field:

  • Google Developers Mobile-Friendly Test tool
  • Mobi Ready mobile-friendly checker
  • Google – Page Speed ​​Insights
  • RankWatch

3.3. Crawl fault detection

Sometimes, a small error in your coding can make your website completely invisible to Google bots or other search engines. The following tools are capable of crawling pages and finding errors.

  • Octoparse
  • 80 legs
  • ParseHub
  • WebHarvy

4. Local SEO

Local SEO is one type of SEO that deals more with ranking in a specific province or city than others. In addition, it is a great way to get online customers to find your physical store. Here are SEO tools for local SEO:

Final word

Search engine optimization is the most important way to get potential customers to your website. However, the process and tools of SEO can be a bit overwhelming for beginners, so it is highly recommended that you hire a digital marketing company to help your company grow online and achieve a good online presence.