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What is Ubuntu?

Have you ever considered using operating systems other than Windows and  Mac? Considering that these two operating systems are very popular and widely used, it may seem impossible to imagine a world without them. But it is not! Another operating system that may be less known is Linux. Linux is a versatile operating system (OS) that has different distributions, and Ubuntu is one of its distributions.

The subject of this article is Ubuntu Linux training. We want to talk about its capabilities and advantages and learn about its disadvantages. If you are planning to migrate to Linux, after reading this article you will have a much more open hand to make a decision.

Before we go to Ubuntu , it is better to get familiar with the concept of operating system and Linux to better understand the article.

What is the operating system?

The operating system or OS is a software part of the system whose function is to manage hardware, software, and system resources. In addition, the operating system adds a user interface so that users can easily interact with the parts they need.

What is Linux?

Linux is an operating system like Mac and Windows. However, the difference is that Linux is an open-source operating system. Note that Linux has many different distributions or versions, each optimized for a specific task.

In the article about the types of Linux distributions, you can learn about other distributions, such as Mint, Arch Linux, Debian, etc., and their uses.

What is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is a free and open source distribution used by millions of users. The open source of this Linux-based distribution means that users can edit its code, install as many copies as they want, and distribute the program as they wish.

Windows and Mac, with their greatness, do not have such a feature!

In addition, users who download and install Ubuntu do not have to pay for free. and can use its features for

If you have also wondered why this distribution is free, we have to tell you that Windows and Mac benefit from the sale of these operating systems, But the primary purpose of Ubuntu (in general Linux) is to bring humanity to the world of computing, and its proponents believe that this software should be freely available to everyone, regardless of income, ability, or language.

It is interesting to know that Ubuntu is an ancient African word that means ” humanity for others “.

In the rest of the article, we will talk more about the features and benefits of this operating system.

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What features does the Ubuntu operating system have?

The things you read below are generally the basic needs of every person in using any operating system; But we mention them because when it comes to Linux, it means the absence of many common services that we use in our daily life. For example, Photoshop or any software from Adobe is not available on any Linux distribution. using a virtual machine . Of course, it doesn’t work and you can install Adobe on Linux

Anyway, what you will read below are the features that you will enjoy using Ubuntu:

Office software

Microsoft Office is one of those softwares that don’t run on Linux; But in the Ubuntu distribution, there are software called LibreOffice that work exactly the same as Office; Therefore, if in any way you are stuck with software like Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc., there is no need to worry. You can use and enjoy Ubuntu without any problems.


Thunderbird , Mozilla’s famous e-mail program, is available in Ubuntu and users of this distribution can access their e-mails on their desktops.


One of the most expected requirements of any operating system is the browser. Security is one of the most important features of Ubuntu. Just like the Firefox browser. Fortunately, Ubuntu has been supporting Chrome and other popular browsers for some time.


Of course, you can’t imagine an operating system without the ability to play images and photos. Ubuntu also has a lot of free programs through which you can view and edit your photos.

the movie

There are many people who only use the computer to watch movies! It is unlikely that you belong to this category; Because if you only expect this from your system, you will not need Linux and especially Ubuntu. However, that doesn’t mean it’s not possible to watch movies on Ubuntu!

Users can watch HD movies in their browsers or with Movie Player , VLC , OpenShot default . Also, it is possible to edit the video using programs like Shotcut and kdenlive .


Ubuntu is not for gaming! But it supports some games. From Dota 2 to BioShock. Different games in different genres that can entertain anyone for hours.

A whole world of all kinds of programs

Just as Ubuntu is free to download, there are thousands of programs that you can download with just a few clicks and without paying the slightest fee.

These are the features that can be expected from Ubuntu. Let’s get acquainted with the positive points of this Linux distribution.

What are the advantages of ubuntu?

As we said above, ubuntu is a free and open source operating system. This distribution is built for use in desktop and server environments and can be used on PCs, server platforms, cloud services, and the Internet of Things . Among the most important advantages of Ubuntu, the following can be mentioned:

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1- Suitable for personal and organizational calculations

One of the most important advantages of Ubuntu is that it is free and open source, and individuals and organizations can without paying for a license use it on their devices . Note that in other countries, if you use Windows and Mac without buying a legal license, you will be fined heavily. Therefore, Ubuntu is a very good option for those who do not like to spend money.

2- Compatibility with a wide range of computing devices or platforms

This distribution can be installed on all kinds of devices, including Windows and Mac computers and laptops. devices and robots, Also, Ubuntu can be implemented in network servers, IoT and in simulated or virtual computing environments.

3- A worthy competitor for Windows and Mac

When it comes to comparing capabilities and capabilities, you should compare Linux and specifically the Ubuntu distribution with its competitors, Windows and Mac. The result of this comparison shows that Ubuntu does not lack anything. Considering that many programs and software such as Google Chrome, Opera, Spotify , etc. can be used in this distribution, it can be said that Ubuntu is a strong and tough competitor for the other two giants.

4- User-friendliness and ease of use

Working with this distribution is so easy that even people with basic computer knowledge can install it on their computer and use it. Ubuntu is much more user-friendly than Windows and Mac, and this is one of the advantages of this distribution. One of the features available to Ubuntu users is the possibility of fully personalizing the desktop environment . A feature that is much more limited in Windows and Mac.

5- No need for powerful hardware

Ubuntu is on a system with a 700 MHz processor, 512 MB of storage space, and 5 GB of RAM easy to install and use . Also, it is interesting to note that this distribution can be run directly from external storage devices such as USB and DVD.

6- Continuous support of developers

You might think that since there is no organization behind Ubuntu (because it is open source), therefore there is no development and support. Well, you are wrong! There is an active community of users who can help each other fix the defects and problems. The development team also provides long-term support to their users.

7- High security

It has been said for a long time that viruses are created by the same companies that make antiviruses to make millions of dollars. We don’t care how true this is. As for Ubuntu, there is no antivirus! Nevertheless, this distribution provides high security to its users.

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Of course, it is better to be careful so that you don’t get into a special problem.

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8- Having a software repository

Installing a large number of software from Ubuntu repositories with a few clicks has many advantages. In addition to the fact that these software are free and more secure than exe packages, installing programs from a centralized location is much easier.

But Ubuntu is not perfect!

What are the disadvantages of Ubuntu?

Everything in this world has its advantages and disadvantages; Ubuntu is no exception to this rule, and along with its very good advantages, it also has some shortcomings. Below are some of the most important disadvantages of this distribution:

  • Despite the fact that this distribution has many programs, their number still does not reach the programs available in Windows and Mac! This limitation leads to the reduction of its functional area.
  • This distribution is not a suitable option for gamers at all. If you are a gamer and like to see high quality while playing, Windows is a more suitable option than Mac and Ubuntu.
  • In some cases, software and hardware incompatibility problems have been observed.
  • Some experienced users believe that Ubuntu is not the best Linux distribution and there are other better options.
  • The open source nature of this distribution has made its commercialization difficult.

We talked about almost everything about this famous Linux distribution. If you want to download Ubuntu , we recommend you to go to the main Ubuntu site   to get the latest version.

Eventually …

If you’re tired of Windows and Mac for whatever reason, Linux is probably the only option left for you. To start working with Linux, it is better to use Ubuntu. Ubuntu is one of the most powerful Linux distributions and has a very good user interface