What is link building? The Most Important And Practical SEO Strategies Is Link Building
One of the most important and practical SEO strategies is link building, which helps search engines to follow the pages of websites.
Search engines use links to track web pages and follow any link on a page. Link building is one of the hardest parts of an SEO job because you have to try to get quality links from your web pages.
Receiving quality links will increase PR or PagRank and eventually that page will be shown more in Google results.
Google Algorithms
Google has optimized its algorithms in such a way that if a website tries to receive spam backlinks with the help of link farms or the same link farm. Will identify it and eventually fine it.
Types of links

Internal link
Internal links are links that are linked to pages of the same site, and the Google robot uses this link to enter from one page of a website to another page of the same website.
External link
There are links that are given to other websites, if you have content from another website on your site or you need to refer to a website in the text, by placing this link, Google bots will follow the link entered into the website. will be.
Note: Google will give better ratings to backlinks given to pages with related content. For example, if SEO tags are talked about on page A of a website and an external link is given to a page on site B that talks about SEO tags. Google will give that page a better rating.

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Dofollow link
This link has no tags and by default when a link is created, it is in dofollow mode. The more dofollow links a page receives. That page will get a better rating from Google.

Nofollow link
In some cases, you have to put a link in your site, but you do not need to give backlinks and points to that site. In general, if Google finds that the number of external links from a site is too high, it will Identified and can be fined by Google:
- For advertising sites that include banners from other sites.
- For news sites, which report ad reporting.
- To link to a content source site
- To link to sites that you suspect are spam or not
- For the comments section, users may register a link in this section.
In this case, it is better to use this link.
Noopener link
If the links you give to other sites are in noopener mode. The link score is transferred, but the Google robot will not leave your page following that link.
Norefferer link
This link is used to hide and link to a competitor. This link is such that it can be seen in Google Analytics statistics as a user who has entered the site directly.