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What is error 500?

One of these errors is error 500, which includes a wide range of server-side errors. This error is included in the category of general errors and includes issues that are not included in the existing error codes.

In this article, we intend to first tell you what error 500 is, and then we will deal with important issues, such as the causes of this error, as well as ways to fix it; Stay with us.

What is error 500?

Not all 500 errors are related to your computer, browser, or even your Internet connection; Rather, they cover a wide range of errors that are created on the server side, such as error 502 and other errors. And if you are not the owner of that site, there is nothing you can do.

Web servers use status codes defined for them to tell the user’s browser whether the request sent by them was successful or not. If there is a code 200 in the received response, the browser will know that everything went well.
Of course, we must mention the important point that the user will never see the 200 code; Because instead, the content of the desired page will be shown. On the other hand, we have family codes 400 and 500, which are completely different. First series errors include client side errors and second series errors include errors generated by the web server.

Error 500 is a collective status code for server errors; Therefore, at first glance, it is not possible to determine exactly where this error is related to. When users see this error, they can only be sure that the server has reported an unexpected error.

This error can appear on any site you try to open in your browser. Since this error is common, it shows up in different ways which you can see below.



500 error types:

• Internal server error
• The page isn’t working
• ۵۰۰ Internal Server Error
• ۵۰۰ Server Error
• ۵۰۰. That’s an error
• HTTP 500.0 – Internal Server Error
• Error 500
• Error code: 500
• The server returned a 500 Internal Server Error
• Temporary Error (500)

What are the reasons for showing error 500?

A 500 server error may occur when the request has been processed by the web server. Error 500 includes all things that were not planned in advance and happened all at once. If this error occurs, the website will be prevented from loading.

Error 500 mostly means creating a series of problems in the web server configuration, which you can see in the following section:

— Htaccess file. broken or lost



htaccess., is a file with important instructions related to the server. These instructions tell your software to enable or disable certain functions. These guidelines may help you password protect a directory or restrict user access.

There are several reasons that may cause an Htaccess file to become corrupted. to share One of the main reasons for this can be the installation of plugins, file configuration or even doing a series of tasks on the server.

— Errors related to permissions

Permission errors are mostly related to protecting files. Most of these license errors can be related to bugs, user errors, or even network problems. Usually this error means that the user is not allowed to perform the action he is doing.

— Installing faulty third-party plugins or themes

Some users may add a third-party theme or plugin to their website to enhance the features or performance of their server or even their site.

These plugins can be a great option for your site, but on the other hand, there are some among them that will probably have a negative impact on the security, problems and performance of your site.

These plugins and themes are often created by individuals or small groups. They can bring you challenges after being installed on your site. Some of them are in the early stages of development, and the teams that built them need to spend more time before they can provide you with a complete product.


– The occurrence of an error related to the memory limit in PHP



For those people who are not familiar with PHP, we must say that it is a programming language that is used to create the backend part of the site. PHP is useful for managing content, databases, and the like.

Each of the PHP processes uses memory, and the host you have has its own memory limit. If a website needs more than the PHP memory limit, it is possible to get a 500 error. hosting company ( WordPress hosting price inquiry). To solve these conditions, it is necessary to contact your


What is the method to fix error 500?



Unlike other server-side errors like Error 502, Error 500 doesn’t tell us immediately where the problem is, so you can’t fix it quickly. If this error exists on your site for a long time, it will have a negative impact on your site’s SEO.

There are two general ways to fix this error:


You are about to load a page with error 500:

• Refresh the page.
• Wait a short time and enter the site again.
• Delete your browser cookies.
• Enter the site address in the Down for Everyone or Just Me site to find out if the problem is related to you or if the site is not available at all.

Error 500 has occurred on your website:

• Check or disable plugins or themes you have installed.
• Use a plugin like WP Debbugging to identify the problem.
• Make sure your site’s PHP settings are configured correctly.
• htaccess file code. Check your site.
• Make sure your website software is installed correctly.


So far in this article from Iran, you have understood what error 500 is and what factors are involved in its occurrence. You also find out what you need to do to fix it. If you are unable to solve the said problem by doing the mentioned tasks, it is better to contact the support of the site so that they can guide you better