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Black Hat SEO

What is Black Hat SEO?

Black hat SEO refers to tricks and methods that deceive Google algorithms and, contrary to the rules of search engines, increase the site’s ranking in various keywords. Google will detect black hat SEO tricks after a short time, and in the next updates, it will develop the algorithms in such a way that it will be able to detect such violations easily. Do not forget that Google’s first goal is to increase user satisfaction and improve its results. If you do something that does not meet this goal, you should expect Google’s punishment soon!

When your website uses one of the black hat SEO methods, and Google realizes this, your website will be fined or penalized. In most cases, these penalties are so heavy that you may drop several steps in most keywords and will need to try for a long time to return to the previous conditions!

Therefore, you should use white or gray-hat SEO methods and avoid black-hat SEO techniques. In this article, we will introduce you to 24 black hat SEO tricks so that you do not use them in any way in your website SEO activities!

Introducing Black Hat SEO Tricks

1- Excessive use of keywords

It would help if you always considered the ratio of keywords to the length of the content you write. If you write short content with many target keywords, you will soon be penalized by the Google Panda algorithm.

2- Improper use of keywords in the description of alt images

Writing alt descriptions for each image can help improve your SEO content. But if you use a lot of keywords in this alt description of your images, you have done a black hat SEO, and you will be fined.

3- Excessive use of internal links

If you link too much to other website pages in your content, you have made one of the common mistakes of black hat SEO.

4- Using irrelevant keywords

If you use irrelevant keywords in your articles, not only is this a violation, but you will cause a sharp drop in CTR for that article.

5- Hide links

You have committed a violation if you hide part of the text or some links on a page.

6- Over-optimization of headings

As you know, using H1, H2, H3, and headings can improve content SEO. But be careful not to use too many headings in your content.

7- Copied content

One of the oldest black hat SEO tricks was quickly detected by the Google Panda algorithm.

8- Automatic content production

Using automated content production methods and techniques is also a violation. It will be penalized if you visit the relevant website.

9- Using the Bait and Switch technique

Content writers use keywords unrelated to their product or article introduction page in this technique. For example, an SEO training article repeatedly uses “mobile online shopping.” The bait-and-switch technique is used.

10 – Using the Cloaking trick

In this trick, the website owner changes the display of content based on IP. It means that the content the user sees completely differs from what the Google crawler has indexed!

11- Content rewriting

If you copy many articles from other websites and publish them after a bit of editing and rewriting, you have to be very careful with Google Panda. In most cases, such violations are identifiable.

12- Writing interesting and irrelevant titles

Some people use content-related titles to increase their click-through rate (CTR), which Google can easily understand after a short time by analyzing the content and behavior of searchers.

13- Creating web circles

In this trick, linking to several related websites increases the incoming traffic, which Google algorithms can easily detect.

14- Publication of unprincipled guest post

If your guest post has a lot of links and poor-quality content, this post will soon be known as spam content, and in addition to the desired website, it can also lead to penalties for your website.

15- Creating a link farm

It is an old linking trick that involves creating a network of several websites and linking to them. It tries to increase the credibility of the domains and, finally, the sites’ ranking.

16- Offering a free product in exchange for linked comments

With the advancement of Google algorithms, the tricks used to improve black hat SEO are evolving daily. One of these tricks is to provide a free product to users who send comments and links.

17- Link exchange

Another method of black hat SEO is link exchange between two websites, which increases the ranking of both websites and causes both websites to be fined today!

18- Creating a 301 redirect

In the past, many web admins provided expired and highly credible (DA) domains and were redirected to their websites. If this domain is related to a website related to your website, it is a gray hat SEO technique. But if you redirect from a domain unrelated to your website, you will be penalized soon!

In another model, a person implements a redirect to another website for a fee. For example, the user is referred to another website by clicking the play button to display the video on a website.

19- Using links in the footer

Another old technique was to use the site’s main keywords in the footer. Today, this does not only not increase the ranking but may also reduce the ranking and penalties.

20- Buy backlinks

Buying backlinks is a trick that has always been used. Many websites lose their ranking by buying poor-quality backlinks and inserting inappropriate ad reporting, and some other websites increase their ranking by doing the basics. (In white hat SEO, you should be looking to produce rich and quality content that will get multiple links. But you can buy backlinks in principle in the category of gray hat SEO, and if done correctly, It can be useful.)

21- Misuse of structured data (Structured data)

Using structured data can increase your ranking in search results. However, some people have recently taken advantage of this feature and tried to deceive Google algorithms by using schemas and inserting fake comments. Structured data is easy for Google to understand.

(Based on personal experience: There are various codes and plugins for displaying star reviews on a fixed 5-point basis. Google will easily detect after a while and remove the stars!)

22- Using automatic search

This method is a bit newer than the previous methods. The webmaster can pay a server to register several search queries for the desired keyword (for example, 400 times a day). After submitting the request, the bots automatically click on the desired website after searching for the relevant keyword. This move is repeated many times, and the ranking of the target website increases. But the bad news is that recently, Google can easily detect this trick, and it could lead to heavy fines!

23- Creating a Private Blog Network (PBN)

A private blog network is a collection of blogs created by one person to generate multiple backlinks. Doing the basics of this trick can increase the ranking of a website due to the increase in the number of backlinks. It is usually done with domains that have domain validation. However, in any case, Google’s awareness of such linkages has greatly increased. You do not have enough expertise in this area. Be sure to refrain from doing so!

24- Getting backlinks from toxic sites

Websites created to sell backlinks and reporting and do not produce quality content should be called toxic websites. Getting backlinks from such websites is not only not helpful, but it can greatly damage your current position. So before creating backlinks on a site, check the Spam Score and its contents. (If your website already has links from such websites. You can introduce these links to Google with the help of the Disavow tool so that Google no longer considers them.

How do you report the use of black hat SEO to Google?

Your competitor may use one or more of these tricks, and you are eager to report them to Google. The good news is that you can submit your report by going to the Black Hat SEO Reporting section!


In the most optimistic case, it can be that using black hat SEO tricks may increase the ranking of your website for a while. You will soon see the loss of your rank and position. So, instead of trying to make your links look natural. Make sure the links are created naturally, and that’s nothing but rich content!

Note: If you know a black hat SEO trick that is not written in this list, please let us know at the bottom of this article and in the comments section so that you can add it to the above.