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What is the Effect of Video in Seo?

For sites to be displayed on the first pages of Google, they need to use various SEO techniques and tricks. One of the techniques that can increase site traffic to lead the site to high Google results is a video on the website. Video is the best way to complete articles, the best way to attract the audience as well as keep the audience on the site, and increasing the time the user stays on the site (time on site), leads to a higher site ranking and display on the first pages of Google.


Impact of video on website SEO:

According to published statistics, 63% of businesses use video for marketing. The use of video is an important part of a business advertising strategy and helps them achieve their goals and results much sooner. The video even persuaded factory managers to use it to promote their products and services and achieve acceptable results. But are you still skeptical about the impact of video on website SEO, which is worth using video to promote your products?

We need to refer to the published statistics and information to answer this question. Statistics show that businesses that have used video or video to promote or offer their services have achieved significant results. The result has been an 82% increase in the marketing and sales of these companies products. By providing these statistics, we make sure that using video is one of the best ways to market and introduce products and services.

Here are nine reasons why video has an impact on website SEO.

1- Using video makes the site more attractive:

Animated graphics, animation, and video can make the site environment attractive to users. Using video on all pages of the site will cause. Users are more interested in watching videos and staying longer on the site, and ultimately the bounce rate is reduced.

According to research, websites that use video can keep their users on the site for 2 minutes longer than sites that do not use video content.

2 – Video increases customer trust:

Some consumers are still skeptical about buying products and services online because they are afraid of fraud. But 57% of consumers say they find more confidence in shopping online by watching product or service videos.

Video content engages the user’s emotions. Therefore, the video gains the user’s trust. Also, trust is the basis of conversion and sales. Building trust should be a goal. The whole concept of content marketing is based on trust and building long-term relationships.

3 – Google’s search engine likes video:

In this part of the article, the effect of video on website SEO, we will discuss why Google prefers sites that use video.

Videos increase the time spent by visitors to the site. Therefore, long-term exposure builds trust.

And show search engines that your site has good content. If you have a video on your website, your website is 53 times more likely to be displayed on Google. The YouTube social network, which operates through video sharing, is owned by Google. Google co-founded and used YouTube because it believes that videos help visitors find their results faster. Using video on the site conveys to Google the feeling that your website has valuable content that can be useful and useful to the audience and get them to the desired results faster.

Make sure your videos are optimized for SEO on YouTube and other free video publishing sites. Write interesting titles and descriptions, and give a link to your products and services page. To strengthen website SEO (off-page technique) and increase website traffic through external linking.

4 – Attracts mobile phone users:

One of the reasons that video proves the impact on website SEO is user behavior. 90% of users watch videos on their mobile phones. YouTube reports that mobile phone consumption is increasing by 100% every year. As people like to watch movies and the number of smartphone users is increasing, the number of your video audience is increasing day by day.

Google also tells us that smartphone users are twice as likely as TV viewers and 1.4 times as much as computer viewers. So it’s very clear that smartphone users are connecting more with brands that publish their ads in the video. According to Google, brands need to be sensitive to the personal experience of smartphone users, so producing video content for the website can keep phone users more on the website, resulting in increased user retention rates and enhanced internal SEO. . (On-page SEO techniques)

Explains everything: Have you launched a new product or service? And you do not know where to start to introduce it? A great solution is to create a video to introduce that product or service. 98% of users say they watched an explanatory video to find out more about the product or service they are looking for. That’s why 45% of business owners who use video marketing put an explanatory video on their homepage. And 83 percent of those business owners say a video explaining their homepage has been effective.

Therefore, due to users’ interest in watching an explanatory video about the products or services of the website, the rate of staying on the website will increase, and videos will strengthen internal SEO (on-page SEO technique).

So what if you are also trying to explain a difficult concept? Create motion graphics. Motion graphics can convey concepts to the user, which no live text or video can. Motion graphics are the perfect combination of fun, nostalgia, and simplicity. And have a high impact. Read this article to know more about motion graphics.

6 – Encourages sharing on social networks:

On the eighth anniversary of the social media marketing industry report, Michael Stelzner announced that 60% of social marketers use video content.

Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube have paid more attention to video content. Facebook has launched the possibility of video, live video, and video programs for teenagers (life one stage).

Instagram can publish videos in posts, stories, and igtv. Twitter has a periscope. And YouTube is the second most popular social network in the world.

Of course, there are also free video publishing sites in Iran that you can use for video marketing, which can be called Aparat, Natasha, Tamasha, etc.

Remember that users share emotions (not facts). 76% of users say that they will share the video with their friends if the video is entertaining. So create fun videos to encourage social sharing. Emotions do not exactly return ROI, but social sharing can increase traffic to your site, and you can get ROI from there.

  1. Video increases conversions and sales:

Videos can make a lot of money for you. Adding video to a product or service page can increase conversions by 80%. The video is very effective regardless of the context in which you work. As you can see in the image below, commercials in the electronics category increase conversion rates by 101%.

Video can also lead to direct sales. Studies show that 74% of users who watch a video explaining a product will buy it. So it’s better to start making exciting videos for your product right now!

It should be noted that the most important sense is the visual sense. Most of the information that is transmitted to our brain is visual information. So if images can engage our brains a lot, imagine what animated images or videos do to your business!

Increasing website sales affects SEO because in the process of buying the user from the site, the click-through rate and the time-on-site site increase, and as a result, the SEO of the website is strengthened. On-page SEO technique)

8 – Video has a lot of ROI:

83% of business owners say that video provides a good return on investment (ROI). Although video production is still not the easiest and cheapest task, business owners still spend much time on it. In addition, online video editing tools are constantly being improved and have become more cost-effective. And you can even record, edit and publish great videos with smartphones.

In producing an explanatory video of a product or service, one should not be too involved in quality and design. Still, the complete description of that product, answering users’ questions, and resolving user doubts and fears about buying that product are more important.

  1. Video attracts even the laziest users:

A video is a great tool for learning, and it is extremely easy for the user to use. Life today is too busy, and there is no time to read long descriptions of a product or service. The modern customer wants to see the product in action. So prioritize video in the content marketing process.

Video marketing can attract a lot of users. Even the laziest users like to watch videos. Because with video, you care not only for the eyes but also for the user’s ears. And your competitive advantage is doubled.

A few tips for video SEO:

  • Please provide the correct information from the video to the search engine crawlers so that they can review your video and rank it according to the quality and information obtained from the video.
  • Upload a video where there is text or text that reflects the content of a video. Uploading a video to a blank page may not be as effective.
  • Content should define the video in specific tags. This will be done by SEOs so that search engine crawlers can understand it. In this part of the site, a video has been used.
  • It is better to use the same website directly to upload videos or videos and not use other sites such as Aparat, YouTube, etc., for uploading.


Putting a video on the site seems useful and vital for SEO, creative video can be spread on the internet in a few days and get millions of views. It is best to use video on all product and service pages, but there are several points to follow to get the best results. The video should be relevant to the website’s subject and attractive to allow users to stay on the website for a few minutes and reduce the exit rate by increasing the time on-site; the video also has a high sharing rate.

And it also increases the site traffic rate. Video increases the click-through rate and ultimately increases the ranking among Google search results. It is necessary to identify users and their needs and create a video that suits their tastes. Our suggested topics are that you can make a video about our educational content, product or service introduction, and branding. What other topics do you suggest for making a video?