What is Offline authentication ?

Authentication means proving a person’s existence and distinguishing a real person from a non-real person. For years, authentication was based on a person’s ID, such as password, national code, ID number, etc. With the passage…
Business Process Automation

What is Business Process Automation (BPA)?

Business process automation or BPA is very effective and helpful in the growth and expansion of businesses and marketers. 29% of marketers use the automation process to personalize customer engagement, and marketers’ overall acceptance of…

Future of Transportation

This next decade transport will be revolutionised with radical new inventions powered by renewable energy, in response to the twin concerns of pollution and congestion. Since the advent of commercial flights in the 1950s, transport…
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, A Breakthrough Beyond The Imagination Of Scientists

AI Defeated The Most Important Player In Go A Few Years Ago. Can Artificial Intelligence Defeat Humans In The Real World? The Real World Is Bigger, More Complex, And More Invisible Than The Gamer. Artificial intelligence, or…