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Broken Links in WordPress Fixing !

If you are very interested in designing a site using the WordPress system, you must know that one of the biggest problems that may occur to you is the problem of broken links in WordPress. This problem can bother you a lot while designing the site. In this article, we want to give a full explanation of broken links in WordPress and how to fix them so that you can easily solve this problem.

When does the problem of broken links occur in WordPress?

Broken links in WordPress occur when one or more content on your website is moved or the URL of your content changes. In this case, it may not be possible to move content to a new address and cause broken links in WordPress, in which case you usually get a 404 error on your browser page or do not find the page you want. You see, this is a very common mistake in site design. If such a problem occurs to you, it can be very troublesome and reduce your ranking in the search engine list and reduce your visitors a lot. That’s why you need to know the problem of broken links in WordPress and be able to find it and try to solve it.

Major problems with broken links in WordPress

One of the most important things to know is that it is not always easy to find broken links in WordPress, and if you can not find these links, you will have big problems. Knowing the number of broken links in WordPress is also a difficult task and knowing the number of these links is also very important. You might think that hard to find broken links in WordPress makes us leave them alone. However, this is not the case, and there are ways to find them, which we will examine in the following.

Find broken links in WordPress

One of the most important concerns of people who design a site with WordPress is finding broken links in WordPress. One of the easiest ways to find broken links in WordPress is to use Google Webmaster Tools. If you use this tool, you can easily log in to your account, and in the Crawl section, enter the Crawl Errors section and enter the Not Found section to easily see the broken links and links in WordPress and according to the following points. You can delete these links. Another way to find broken links in WordPress is to use the Broken Link Checker plugin, which we will learn more about later.

Google Webmaster Tools plugin features

One of this plugin’s most important and best features is that you can directly monitor your links and links and even monitor other parts of your website such as tabs, posts, comments, and other custom fields. With this plugin, you can also check the missing images of your website. One of the most important features of this WordPress plugin is its extremely fast notification. In this WordPress plugin, you can search for all kinds of links and find similar texts. The last feature of this WordPress plugin is very fast and easy to install and use.

Fix the problem of broken links in WordPress

Now that you are familiar with the methods of finding broken links in WordPress, it is better to learn the methods of removing these links and solving this problem. There are two ways to solve this problem, each of which is for a specific link. The first way to deal with broken links in WordPress is to move or redirect, which you usually use when the URL of an article has a 404 error. In this case, this address must be redirected. The second way to deal with broken links in WordPress is to remove the URL you use when your content has been deleted and the URL gets a 404 error.

Prevent broken links in WordPress

If you do not want users to see the 404 page, you can use methods that prevent links and broken links in WordPress. One of the most important ways to do this is to stop working when you delete an address so that the address is not reproduced. Unfortunately, many users and web designers with WordPress do not pay attention to this point and always encounter many problems.

Final Tips About Broken Link In WordPress

Unfortunately, many WordPress site designers do not pay any attention to broken links and links in WordPress. They are not fully aware of the dangers to their website and their impact on website SEO. Try to check the existence of these links constantly and if they exist, delete them completely by the above methods. Many people are afraid that this process will take a long time, and for this reason, they try to ignore the broken links in WordPress. But by doing these steps a few times, you will learn it completely, and the next time, you will do it in a shorter time. So go for it without fear.