CentOS vs. Debian: Key Similarities and Differences

Debian and CentOS are both Linux distributions that have differences from each other. These differences affect the choice of the operating system. You should choose one of these based on your needs and preferences. Linux…

Debian vs. Ubuntu Linux: Which Distro Should You Choose?

The first important point we notice when comparing Ubuntu and Debian is that Debian is the main Linux distribution, but Ubuntu is a Debian-based distribution. These two distributions’ stability, flexibility, security, and efficiency are among…

How to Host a Website on VPS

We know that you would like us to go to the main point and tell you the steps of using VPS for hosting as soon as possible. But since we have many audiences with different…

What Is Grey Hat SEO?

What makes SEO of a site difficult is that Google is one roof and two breaths of air! But what does it mean? When you want to follow Google’s rules to get good rankings in…

What is Black Hat SEO

Black hat SEO is one of the SEO techniques we nicknamed the car without airbags. The reason for this is that if you make the smallest mistake, there is a high possibility that your site…

What is Google Sandbox?

The word sandbox means a sandbox where children play so that they cannot hurt anything. But what does sandbox mean in SEO? When we talk about the sandbox in SEO, it means that Google considers…

What Are SEO Backlinks?

What Are SEO Backlinks? When we want to do something, we research and inquire to find the best in the field. For example, imagine that you want to paint your house. You don’t leave it…

How does an SSL certificate SEO rankings?

If you care about your site’s ranking, you’ve surely heard about the importance and impact of SSL on your site’s SEO, in addition to Google’s algorithms. A topic that Google has discussed is the importance…

Best Linux Distros For Programming

Primarily known for programmers, over the past few decades, efforts have been made to provide versions of Linux that are easier for the average user to use, such as providing more of a graphical user…

What Happened to Alexa?

Alexa Internet, abbreviated as Alexa, is a company for website traffic analysis. Still, the Alexa tool that exists and is used by SEO and digital marketing experts gives the statistics of website visits and analyzes…