What is Alexa Rank and How can you Add Alexa Extension for Firefox Browser?

What is Alexa Rank and How can you Add Alexa Extension for Firefox Browser? There has always been a tendency to rank among us humans. Part of this tendency to rank is rooted in our…

How Can you Change Port for Windows Sever?

At the request of users in connection with Windows Server security, in this article, changing the Remote Desktop port in Windows Server is taught visually. For telecommunications on Microsoft Windows systems, the company has designed…

How to Change the Port of Winbox?

Winbox is a simple graphical user interface connecting to the Mikrotik operating system. When connecting through this app, you must enter your IP, username, and password. If you have not changed the default Winbox port,…

How to Setup the VPN Connection on Windows 10 by Mikrotik

How to Setup the VPN Connection on Windows 10 by Mikrotik Windows 10 makes it very easy to set up and use a VPN on your computer. Below you will find the steps to set…

How can you add Grammarly Extension to Firefox?

What is Grammarly software, and what are its features? One of the concerns when writing a text in English is to follow the rules of grammar and write correct and accurate sentences. The grammar program…

How to Create an Email on an Android phone

If you use an Android phone, you must have realized how much easier it is to check emails with your phone. Even if you have several personal and business emails, it is easy to manage…

How can you clear cache of the Firefox browser on Android Device

How can you clear the Cache of the Firefox browser on the Android Device What is a browser cache, and why is it important to clear your browser cache? Wherever you hear the name cache…

How to Adjust the Screen Resolution in Windows 7, 10 and 11

If you need to change the screen resolution settings on your Windows PC, know that it is not difficult. Whether you want to try a clearer resolution on laptops with lower recommended options by default…

How can you check the Mac Address of an IP for MikroTik VPS by CLI and with Winbox 2023?

First, we will explain what Mac Address is and Everything about it. If you’ve ever tried to identify devices on a network or search for a nearby Bluetooth device, chances are you’ve come across a…

How can you Check the Gateway of an IP for MikroTik VPS by CLI and with Winbox?

How can you check an IP’s Gateway for MikroTik VPS by CLI and with Winbox? In this article, we want to show you How to Check the Gateway of an IP for MikroTik VPS by…